Friday, February 09, 2007

Daily Briefing - 2/9/07

I could give you a rundown of today's news, or I could focus on one piece trying to foster a discussion... but I can't. I'm too distracted by the title of the article from the "venerable" Human Events: Global Warming Turns People Gay. I guess employing Ann Coulter isn't enough to prove their craziness.


Daily Briefing – 2/9/07
633 days until the NEXT election… and global warming is an integral part of our nation’s agenda!

Key Issues in the News

Global Warming
- WSJ: Is it time for a new tax on energy?
o A great analysis from a DailyKos diarist
- Scientists to vie for $25 million prize
- The New Yorker’s Talk of the Town on global warming
- The Speaker and Republicans clash in global warming hearing
- No change in political climate
- Understanding global warming
- Christian Science Monitor: What the world needs now is to reduce carbon emissions
- George Will is skeptical
- Bush Administration defends record
o Grist: Feeling the Heat
- Gore to announce series of rock concerts that will “dwarf Live Aid”… SWEET
o The rock star to speak at OU
- And Human Events wins for stupidest article of the day! Congratulations!
- “Dubious intelligence” fueled push for war
- Poll shows modest loss for Republicans and small gain for Democrats in party affiliation
- CNN and Nevada Dems to hold debate for Democrats on 11/4/07
- Rep. Peter Welch (D-VT) announces carbon-neutral congressional office
- Bernie Sanders: Still a Maverick
Potential ‘08ers…
- Obama (will announce tomorrow), Obama again (Miss America likes him), McCain (to Iowa he goes), McCain again (and SC), Clinton (hits SF), Biden (comes to Iowa), Huckabee (defends tax record), Brownback (wins support of Christian songwriter), McCain and Giuliani (blasted by DeLay… is that a bad thing?), Hillary v. Rudy (New York, New York!), Edwards (keeps bloggers on staff despite controversy), Romney (did he change his tune for political gain?), Obama again again (his pending undoing)
- ‘08ers on the trail
- The ad blitz begins!
Other News from the Media
- Waiting list gone, incentives coming for Prius
- Diesel to run global warming ads
- The next step in greening your home… a dirt floor
- Roadless rule reinforced
…and the Blogosphere
- RFK Jr.: Exposing ExxonMobil
- Chris Mooney on the House Science and Technology Committee hearing on climate change, which included Speaker Pelosi as a panelist
- National Review has a couple of skeptical articles
- Cartoon duck leads draft movement for a conservative economist
- Grist:
o Talking global warming at Davos
o Bob Burnquist, skateboarder extraordinaire and enviro-activist
o Carbon offsets, neutrality, trading, and whatnot
o Greed got us into this mess
o Heat: How to Stop the Planet From Warming - a book review
Miscellaneous… or just plain weird
- They just can’t get rid of him
- Doomsday vault design unveiled
- “Terror-free” gas station?
- Thieves moving away from jacking car stereos to… catalytic converters?
Quotes O’ the Day
“Obama’s about to endure a going-over that would make a proctologist blush.” ~ Mike Allen, The Politico

Thursday, February 08, 2007

Daily Briefing - 2/8/07

Leaders from developing countries, notably Brazil and China (although I am unsure if they still qualify as "developing"), have called for rich, developed nations to take the lead in cutting global warming pollution. This has set off a small row reminiscent of the days when Kyoto was being discussed in America. Why should America fight global warming when nations such as China and India do not have to? Why should developing nations curb their progress toward economic viability to right a wrong perpetuated on the world by already developed nations? This is an argument that has been, for the most part, dormant for the last few years. Some state, on either side fo the argument, that it is a matter of fairness, but the problem of global warming is not one to be scuttled due to the squabbles over fairness.

The consequences of global warming loom over our future generations. When former Chairman of the Federal Reserve Paul Volcker states that fighting global warming will help our economy, it makes the notion that cutting greenhouse gas emissions will "cripple our economy" rather over the top. If our own economic viability will not be harmed (let alone the possibility of it being helped), shouldn't our stewardship of the Earth transcend petty squabbles over fairness?

On to the briefing...


Daily Briefing – 2/8/07
634 days until the NEXT election… and global warming is an integral part of our nation’s agenda!

Key Issues in the News

Global Warming
- Scientific American: Global warming to require more robust disaster relief
- Carbon-free living: China’s green leap forward
- Brazil scolds developed countries
- What we don’t know about climate change
- Key players react to IPCC
- Minnesota Daily: The Art of Science Bashing
- Gore: Emerging economies are justified in holding back on cutting greenhouse gas emissions until developed nations pull their weight
- Adaptation is an essential response
- A hot topic in Washington
- Land preservation can help
- Report may trigger lawsuits
- Catholic Online: Resist special interest groups and search for common ground
- Washington Times: Why Americans Hate Congress
- Budget cuts for environment, increases for nuclear
Potential ‘08ers…
- Giuliani (draws even with McCain in NH), Clinton (the big money fundraisers), Clinton again (a $15 million haul), Edwards (tax the rich to pay for healthcare), Giuliani again (mining for gold in CA), McCain (no joy on the trail), Obama (off and running), Obama again (boomlet in Mass.), Romney (conservatives split on him), Tancredo (focusing on the campaign),
- Rootless candidates?
Other News from the Media
- Just how bad is the biodiversity extinction crisis?
- This old house… this green house
- UNEP warns of dangers of biofuel production
- Sustainable wind resource off Mid-Atlantic Coast
…and the Blogosphere
- The Fix: Likeability vs. Electability
- Rothenberg: Dems likely to defy history and hold on to House in ‘08
- RedState: Supporting Senator Sam Brownback
- TPM on the Edwards blogger brouhaha, more from Hotline
- Has Senator Inhofe lost it?
- Grist:
o Bright Lines
o Is Vista green?
o Boxer v. Inhofe on Larry King
Miscellaneous… or just plain weird
- Rubber sidewalks?
- Bush the elder must be a Desperate Housewives fan
- (Warning: This is my personal opinion.) THIS IS RIDICULOUS.
Quotes O’ the Day
“In my many years I have come to a conclusion that one useless man is a shame, two is a law firm, and three or more is a congress.” ~ John Adams

Wednesday, February 07, 2007

Daily Briefing - 2/7/07

This morning Senator Lieberman headed a hearing on Global Warming and Wildlife, specifically focusing on how the rapid changing of our planet's climate is and will affect wildlife andwild places. The most potent focus of the hearing was the pending decision to list polar bears as an endangered species, due to the warming-related loss of habitat. Senator Inhofe even admitted to loving the "warm and fuzzy little guys" before he went into challenging whether warming is occurring/increasing thanks to human made greenhouse gases. Senator Warner was honestly moved by the testimony of a few of the panelists. As a self-described outdoorsman, he listenend intently to the description of Chesapeake Bay deadzones and destruction of forests due to invasive species moving with the changing climate.

Global warming continues to get a lot of press, the vast majority either in acceptance of the scientific consensus and/or clamoring for action. Some specific pieces -- support grows for a special UN summitt, and former Chairman of the Federal reserv says that not only will addressing global warming not severely hurt our economy but it, in itself, is bad for our economy.

Finally, the bald eagle may be removed from the endangered species list, and NWF's own John Kostyack was on NPR this morning discussing this important issue.

On to the briefing...


Daily Briefing – 2/7/07
635 days until the NEXT election… and global warming is an integral part of our nation’s agenda!

Key Issues in the News

Global Warming
- Doubt gives way to certainty
- Melding science and diplomacy to run a global climate review
- Support seen growing for climate summit
- Volcker: Global warming bad for the economy
- Canada debates emissions
- Senator Levin: Rise to global warming challenge
- Earth’s status beyond dire
- Highlighting tourism’s role in climate response
- Will China be able to take the heat?
- Manila Times; Warming very likely caused by man
- Hugo wants energy conservation?
- Tuscon Citizen: Recipe for disaster
- Robert Samuelson: Global warming and hot air
- Jeff Jacoby of the Boston Globe questions the “chicken littles
- Al Gore goes to Spain
- Congressman Waxman, a new cop on the beat
- A war tax?
- A blistering editorial from the Indy Star on their Congressman’s lackluster record
- Lawmakers revolt against long hours
Potential ‘08ers…
- Giuliani (and what about the judges), Clinton (lurching leftward), Clinton again (GOP views her as virtually unbeatable), Edwards (hired bloggers drawing ire of Catholics), Giuliani again (White House bid is still officially undeclared), Obama (America is ready), Romney (formal kickoff set for Tuesday), Dodd (uses his Wall Street “juice”), Huckabee (sees Iowa as a big test),
- ’08 could be a billion dollar campaign
- Unity08 plans to field a fusion ticket
- Clinton and Obama: Right candidates, wrong question
Other News from the Media
- Bald eagle may leave endangered species list
o Listen in and you can here our very own John Kostyack, or maybe you were lucky enough to hear him live this morning as Leslie Pool was, “I woke up to John's dulcet tones today! woowoo!”
- Group of rare vultures found in Cambodia
- For wolves, recovery may not be the blessing it seems
- Budget boost proposed for parks
- UN lifts ban on beluga caviar
…and the Blogosphere
- MYDD: Clinton up by double digit margin in NH
- The Fix: McCain, Romney and the endorsement race
- NRO: Stick ethanol in the museum of unintended consequences
- Huffington Post: This is what congressional oversight looks like
- Hotline: Ten truths about Rudy Giuliani
- Grist:
o School of (Mayor) Rocky (Anderson)
o Bush’s farm bill reform falls woefully short
o Being green on a budget
Miscellaneous… or just plain weird
- Imagery malfunction?
- Anyone who is a fan of live music, this is a fantastic step towards ridiculous summer ticket prices… FREE Ozzfest
- A weight loss pill and Anna Nicole Smith are misleading?! NO!?!?
Quotes O’ the Day
“If you asked me to name the three scariest threats facing the human race, I would give the same answer that most people would: nuclear war, global warming and Windows.” ~ Dave Barry quotes

Tuesday, February 06, 2007

Daily Briefing - 2/6/07

With this arctic-like weather across the U.S., maybe the polar bears will migrate down here. That should get some people's attention.


Daily Briefing – 2/6/07
636 days until the NEXT election… and global warming is an integral part of our nation’s agenda!

Key Issues in the News

Global Warming
- A simple remedy
- Data notes Arctic changes
- Calls mounting for global response
- China to research global warming, also noting that is in the hands of rich nations
o Key facts about China and climate change
- Defying Mark Twain
- French climate plan may be a distraction
- More on AEI’s Exxon payoff business
- Boston Globe: Warming up, indubitably
- Houston Chronicle; Warming to the idea of consensus
- Concord Monitor: We can still try to slow warming
- Newsday: Climate change demands action
- Belleville News-Democrat: Fight must start now
- The Australian: Avoid panic policies
- Fudging the budget
- Debate continues on Iraq resolution, as cloture is voted down
- Less than meets the eye in Bush’s farm bill
- How Senator Joe Lieberman sees himself
- Despite scandal, page program more popular
Potential ‘08ers…
- Giuliani (step closer to running), Edwards (new tone to his message), McCain (new advisors are old foes), Giuliani again (or is he official?), Clinton (comes to NH, different from last time), Obama (launches campaign… to quit smoking), Obama again (had multiethnic existence in Hawaii), Romney (seeks Sen. Hutchison’s support), Romney again (heeds call of Florida),
- The other democrats weigh in
- Politico: Obama, Clinton may skip early debates
Other News from the Media
- The price of corn
- Is ethanol the answer?
o The cost of America’s proposed alternative fuel standard?... $118 billion
- Extra energy research funds in Bush budget
- Six degrees of charities… starring Kevin Bacon
…and the Blogosphere
- The Caucus: The leftover money race
- Straw poll over at DailyKos
- RCP: Giuliani is in and becomes the immediate favorite
- Going for broke on climate change
- MYDD interview with Senator Reid
- Grist:
o Sororities and the Step It Up campaign
o On the President’s budget
o The two sides of the climate debate
o Canadians care quite a bit about the environment. Americans… not so much
Miscellaneous… or just plain weird
- Threatened by orbiting space junk
- Now here’s a story: A love triangle, attempted kidnapping, diapers, and astronauts
- Hey iPod users, you may not want to upgrade to Vista just yet
- Fruitcake polling higher than Bush
Quotes O’ the Day
“Thank God men cannot as yet fly and lay waste the sky as well as the earth!” ~Henry David Thoreau

Monday, February 05, 2007

Daily Briefing - 2/5/07

AEI is offering $10,000 to "criticize" the IPCC report. Darn conscience.


Daily Briefing – 2/5/07
637 days until the NEXT election… and global warming is an integral part of our nation’s agenda!

Key Issues in the News

Global Warming
- Washington Post editorial: Global Warning
- A disaster epic, in slow motion
- LA Times: Game over?
- London Times: Report to end debate
- UN climate panel head urges India to be responsible
- Asia Times: Bush’s annual hot-air emission
- 46 nations call for an anti-global warming body, U.S. noticeable absent
- UN Secretary General Ban: Warming to hit the poor worst
- AEI critiques questioned, offering a $10,000 reward to “debunk” the IPCC report
- It’s no “greenie conspiracy
- The groundhog emerged, and sounded a lot like Al Gore
o Speaking of which… Gore to testify before House joint committee hearing
- The editors at the New York Post aren’t sold
- And now a word from GOPUSA
- Bush sends Congress $2.9 trillion spending plan
- Democrats seek unpaid taxes, setting up clash
- A Ralph Nader redux? Oh, boy…
Potential ‘08ers…
- Obama (confronts outsider dilemma), Edwards (on MTP), McCain (born-again supply-sider?), Obama again (black rift widening?), Romney (explains shifts), Gingrich (urging GOP to get tougher), Biden (courting Sharpton), Clinton (winning support), Romney again (politics over pulpit), Edwards again (health care plan includes tax raise), Tancredo (pushing for border security)
Other News from the Media
- Renewable energy advocates see Democrats as allies
- D.C.: A walking city
- Yellowstone proposal sets greater snowmobile access
…and the Blogosphere
- The Fix takes a closer look at Al Franken
- An interview with Sen. Schumer from MYDD
- Laurie David: Past time for action, Mr. President
- Grist:
o On the Olympics
o The looming oxygen shortage
Miscellaneous… or just plain weird
- Colts win Super Bowl XLI… partly thanks to a fantastic showing from “Bad” Rex, gotta love those Gators.
o How ‘bout those ads? Me, I was unimpressed.
o Prince, however, rocked the joint
- Couldn’t they just use an iron chastity belt?
- FOE UK coming up with some interesting ads
- The MUSE Campaign: Rocking against global warming
- An electric car that sounds like a horse
Quotes O’ the Day
“Skeptical scrutiny is the means, in both science and religion, by which deep insights can be winnowed from deep nonsense.” ~Carl Sagan