Wednesday, July 04, 2007

USCAP Un-American? Give me a break!

The Washington Post ran a Reuters article Sunday entitled Carbon Backlash: Coal Divides Corporations. The article dealt with the divide in the corporate world between the corporations who have embraced the nations call to curb global warming emissions--GE, DuPont, Pepsi, and Catepillar, GM aka Chevy all joined the United States Climate Action Partnership--and vocal coal industry execs clamoring against them as enemies. Robert Murray, the chairman and chief executive of Murray Energy Corp., went so far as to stop doing business with his one time tractor supplier Caterpillar. He then called the USCAP corporations Un-American.

Just let that one heat up your atmosphere for a few seconds.

If you can tell me what is more American than GE, DuPont, General Motors, Johnson and Johnson, Pepsi, Dow Chemical, please let me know. In fact, if you can tell me what's more American than these corporations teaming up with large, respectable environmental organizations in the spirit of civic engagement and responsibility to challenge the Congress of the United States to do something about the challenge of this generation, then please, I'll take you out for vegan soul food!

Murray says that in order to curb emissions, we need to invest more heavily in coal, not less, looking to clean coal and such. But if he really believes this, why be against a cap and trade? If he's really confident that the technology is out there to produce enough energy while meeting the emissions cap (agreed to by scientific consensus), he wouldn't be desperate enough to call USCAP un-American. But then, I guess hes kind of insecure.

In totally unrelated, shocking news, the daily grist is reporting that Wilderness is pretty much a thing of the past.
