Friday, December 08, 2006

Daily Briefing - 12/8/06

Guess what... there are still skeptics out there. This is why we need to keep working! (That's my John Madden moment of the day.) There is also research coming out today showing an increase in CO2. Over at Grist they continue to analyze the possible consequences of a Supreme Court ruling, and it looks like we may be running the gamut on solutions... we're now looking to flowers.

In Washington, new polls out today showing some very dire numbers for our employees. On the heels of that, Congress looks to give itself a pay raise. Way to get the message guys and gals! In potential '08 news, it is almost all focused on Senator Obama. That man is flooding the media.

In other news we see some bad reports on loosening lead regulations and shortening science reviews over at the EPA. Couple that with a lack of oversight on oil royalties and it's a stellar day! The blogs are officially shifted into 3rd, if not 4th gear on the '08 elections. I give them until February before we hit 5th... and then August when the transmission falls out.

Finally, Lindsey Lohan is finally going for some help... to Al Gore. All that and more in the briefing.


Daily Briefing – 12/8/06
Happy last day of the 109th Congress!

Key Issues in the News

Global Warming
- Few skeptics still asking why
- Increase in CO2 emissions, Australian research study shows
- Native American conference studies global warming
- Grist: Standing in the face of global warming
- Now we’re looking to flowers for answers
- Tax deal moves toward votes in final push
- Howard Dean: Dems should keep out Buchanan in the FL-13
- Congressional approval ratings at 13%... yikes
- Dissatisfaction with the President’s handling of Iraq has reached 71%... double yikes
- We may see the Foley report today. I hope it’s less racy than the Starr report.
- Bye bye, Bill Frist
- Changes are expected in voting by 2008
- If the NCAA ran our Presidential elections
- And in a final act of the do-nothing Congress… a pay raise
Potential ‘08ers…
- Obama v. Clinton (an unofficial rivalry), Brownback (wants more family values), Obama again (winning the book selling race), Obama again again (building fervor), Vilsack (wife takes on NH), Clinton v. Giuliani (New York, New York), Romney (old words coming back to haunt him), McCain (picking NH’ans to run staff), Richardson (will wait until January)
- The Fix maps out the contenders
- National Journal’s insider’s poll
Other News from the Media
- EPA may drop lead air pollution limits
- Report says oil royalties go unpaid
- EPA shortens science reviews
- Public accepts nano risks if benefits are high
…and the Blogosphere
- The Fix: If John Warner doesn’t run…
- GraniteProf on Obamamania
- RedState looks at Tommy Thompson
- Jon Singer of MYDD looking at the Maine Senate race in ‘08
- Extreme Mortman’s top ten funniest political moments of 2006
- TomPaine: Bright, green efficiency
- From Grist:
o Treehugger on Oprah
o Using grease
o Chatting with Richard Branson
Miscellaneous… or just plain weird
- Lindsey Lohan: “Al Gore will help me
- Andy Dick… Racist? On drugs? Both? Who’s Andy Dick?
- A romantic comedy about Jesus? Oy vey.
Quotes O’ the Day
"Some reports are issued and just gather dust. And truth of the matter is, a lot of reports in Washington are never read by anybody. To show you how important this one is, I read it," - George W. Bush

Thursday, December 07, 2006

Daily Briefing - 12/7/06

Yesterday we witnessed the end of an era (the mesozoic perhaps?). Sneator Inhofe proceeded over his final hearing on global warming, attempting to show the world the dastardly one-sidedness of the media's coverage. Result? Well, for the most part the media either ignored or skewered him... and he gave a platform to the incoming Chairwoman and a not-so-unusually fired-up Senator Boxer to set a base for the future policy of the Committee. Canadians will be happy to hear that, since they stand to lose the whole Victoria region. Sea life is also threatened, so says a new report, and while some think the UK's Gordon Brown is not doing enough others are lauding India for adapting well.

I can hear the whining from the Capitol all the way from my office in Dupont. The new leadership is imposing longer work weeks (meaning 5 days), and shorter vacations (normal one week breaks). GOOD GOD, THE HORROR. The Washington Post editorializes on the possibility of Congress that may actually do something. There's a thought. The 109th is surprisingly still working. They confirmed SecDef nominee Robert Gates yesterday, 95-2 with Sens. Bunning (R-KY) and Santorum (R-PA) voting no. The Congressional Black Caucus has chosen its leader and there is a lot of news surrounding the potential '08ers.

In other news, we remember Pearl Harbor sixty-four years later. An interesting personal connection -- my paternal grandparents were married on the exact day. Moving from somber news of the day to just plain weird, there is a comedian in LA who is trying to make Jesus more appealing to males by... yup, making him manlier. I sure know that's what's most important to me in a religious figure, masculinity! All this and more in the briefing.


Daily Briefing – 12/7/06
64 years ago, a day that lives in infamy

Key Issues in the News

Global Warming
- Parting is such sweet sorrow. We shall not miss your irreverent views and incoherent rants, Mr. Inhofe.
o Also from San Francisco Chronicle
o They agreed on one thing – letting the data flow
- Threatening sea life
- Victoria region could be sunk
- India ahead of many in adapting
- Gordon Brown - a pale shade of green
- Zero-carbon house plans
- Grist on the insurance industry and global warming
- A Do-Something Congress
- Senate confirms Gates, 95-2
- Congressional Black Caucus chooses a leader
- Further eroding moderation in the GOP
- And one final Rick Santorum fire-and-brimstone speech
Potential ‘08ers…
- McCain (hiring the man behind the Harold Ford “bimbo ad”), Clinton (too vane), Richardson (anti-border fence), Pataki (in NH), Obama (sells out… an event), Romney (names a campaign manager), Gore (making noise), Giuliani (scores a player), Huckabee (welcomes Hispanics), Kucinich (pondering a run)
- Chicago Tribune wants Obama to run
Other News from the Media
- Pearl Harbor Remembrance Day
- 1,100 premature deaths from diesel emissions in California
- Rising interest in nuclear power brings new life to uranium mining
…and the Blogosphere
- Bob Burnett of the Huffington Post: Killing Conservativism
- Stirling Newberry of TPMCafe argues for, among other things, a Pigou-Tobin tax
- DailyKos: Update on TX-23 race
- SciGuy’s view on the Inhofe hearing
- From Grist:
o Victoria’s Secret bares all with new catalog policy
o On Obama
Miscellaneous… or just plain weird
- Water flows on Mars
- Conservative Jews to allow ordination of gay rabbis and same-sex unions
- Senator one day, Bollywood the next
- A manlier Jesus?
- PSA: Don’t use your blackberry while driving
- A tornado in London? Rapture anyone?
Quotes O’ the Day
“There is no darkness but ignorance.” ~ William Shakespeare

Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Daily Briefing - 12/6/06

Senator Inhofe had a hearing this morning on -- say this with a loud, sinister voice -- "Climate Change and the Media." Luckily for those of us who enjoy the Senator's rants and the paid-for-by-big-oil lackeys he trots out, the hearing viewable by live webcast on the EPW site. Check it out, there are some great soundbites. In other global warming related news, Al Gore was on Oprah (aka the bastion of all that is important in the world) yesterday discussing An Inconvenient Truth and debating global warming with an employee of the Competitive Enterprise Institute. I wonder what Gayle thinks of green taxes...

In Washington, rhetorical bombs were dropped squarley on the Administration's Iraq policy yesterday by ways of SecDef-elect Robert Gates in his hearing and the Baker-Hamilton Commission. In short, it doesn't look good. Speaking of not looking good, Katherine Harris's former district is still up for grabs thanks to some serious balloting snafus. Also on the not-good-news front, the roughly 600,000 people in the city of Washington D.C. will continue to lack voting representation in Congress. Hooray for feudal democracy!

In other news, Tom Friedman lauds the Chinese solar power business, and the U.K. looks to focus its budget on the environment and education. Hmmmm, other nations noticing the necessities of tomorrow (innovation in clean energy, a better educated workforce...), and here we're having hearings on -- be sure to use that sinister voice again -- "the hyping of climate change!" Finally, Mary Cheney is pregnant... giving James Dobson an ulcer. All that and more in the briefing.


Daily Briefing – 12/6/06
It’s the most… wonderful time… of the year!
Key Issues in the News

Global Warming
- Senator Boxer to call state leaders to testify on warming law – laying out an agenda with California as the model
- An Inconvenient Truth honored
o Al was on Oprah yesterday!
- Global warming moving our breadbasket to Canada
- Southern Ocean could significantly help slow global warming
- Does good wine mean bad weather? Using grapes to predict warming.
- Sen. Inhofe to skewer media… and bravely save the world from melting!
o CBS News actually takes a look to see if the media is hyping global warming
o Here is the webcast of the hearing
- Alternet: Rich nations put burden of global warming on Africa
- More than 50 tribes convene
- Executive Summary of report from Baker-Hamilton Iraq Study Group
- Still no winner in FL-13
o Analysis from noted election law professor Rick Hasen
- GOP leaders let DC voting rights bill die
- Culture shock on Capitol Hill… House to work – get this – 5 DAYS A WEEK!
- TX-23 special election poll
- Senator George Clooney?
Potential ‘08ers…
- Clinton (making early moves), Clark (doing the book thing), McCain (another book), Bayh (say hello), Edwards (needs to start fundraising),
Other News from the Media
- Friedman on the Chinese solar business
- Environment and education focus of U.K. budget
o Including green taxes
- Toyota in the U.S.: Different shades of green
- Adapt or die, Australian environment report
…and the Blogosphere
- DailyKos: If Obama runs, he wins
- MYDD is preparing is ’08 rankings
- RedState: A rough start for SecDef nominee Robert Gates
- Huffington Post: Navy Times editorial blasts “don’t ask, don’t tell” policy
- RCP: Will it be the economy in ’08?
- From Grist:
o A special series on biofuels
o Podcast
Miscellaneous… or just plain weird
- Umm, miraculous conception?
- Come on, you know you have been stuck next to a person like this, save for the matches.
- The richest 2% of the world’s adults own more than half of the world’s wealth
- Britney Spears, Yahoo most popular search item.
Quotes O’ the Day
“The science is in. The facts are there that we have created, man has, a self-inflicted wound that man has created through global warming.” Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger (R-CA)

Tuesday, December 05, 2006

Daily Briefing - 12/5/06

Starting things off, it looks like Senator James "greatest hoax ever perpetuated on the American people" Inhofe will be holding a hearing tomorrow on climate change and the media. Oh boy, can't wait to see how this turns out. Meanwhile, Grist is telling us not panic...worry, but do not panic. Try telling this to the people in the Hudson Valley (NY) where global warming looks to have some pretty bad effects. In positive news, a Scottish energy firm wants kids to see An Inconvenient Truth. Scottish energy step ahead of our science teachers association... greeeaaat.

In Washington, the lame duck session kicks off today with hearings on SecDef nominee Robert Gates and discussion over offshore drilling bills and fetal pain. 08ers continue to maneuver, whether its by schmoozing with key players (Hillary and McCain), cozying up to donors (Obama), entrenching yourself directly in the political center (Bayh), or thoroughly shooting yourself in the foot (Biden).

In other news Senator Boxer plans to stop late night rollbacks of environmental standards. Keeping them in the light of day should help, I guess. We hear some good news out of Brazil as they moved to protect a large section of the Amazon. That's good, maybe this will make Brazil a viable option for tourists who were considering a jaunt to a certain island that has been overtaken by a military coup. All this, as well as a permanent camp on the moon and no more trans fats in NYC, and more in the briefing!


Daily Briefing – 12/5/06
It’s the most… wonderful time… of the year!

Key Issues in the News

Global Warming
- Sen. Inhofe to hold last ditch hearing on climate change and the media
- Feeling the effects where I grew up, the Hudson Valley
- Courting Danger
- Nairobi talks made progress on forest conservation
- Putting ski resorts out of business in Spain
- Portland-based Northwest Earth Institute is teaching locals about global warming
- Nuclear power is contraindicated as a solution to global warming
- Grist: Worry, don’t panic
- Scottish energy firm offers to pay for pupils to see An Inconvenient Truth
- The Obfuscation Agenda: A letter from Sens. Rockefeller and Snowe
o And the editorial about it
- Soon-to-be-former Representative Jim Leach a possibility for UN Ambassador slot
- House to vote on Senate’s offshore drilling plan
- Smuggling, theft and bribery at the Department of Homeland Security… boy oh boy do I feel safe
Potential ‘08ers…
- Vilsack (The Fix argues against), Edwards (finds a manager), McCain (holds a Christmas party), Clinton (reaching out to Iowans), Obama (New York mag is dreaming), Obama again (meeting with donors), Biden (please-insert-foot-in-mouth), Bayh (centerizing himself)
Other News from the Media
- Developing world’s crops under increased threat
- Sen. Boxer says, “No more environmental rollbacks
- Brazil protects great swath of Amazon
…and the Blogosphere
- What makes a front-runner?
- The Caucus: Looking for a ticket
- Arianna Huffington: Obama Happens
- From Grist:
o Environmental orgs. on animal welfare
o Sometimes ‘needs more study’ is the right answer
- TPM Muckraker: List of scandalized Administration officials
- Jonathan Singer is urging Democrats to play hardball at MYDD
Miscellaneous… or just plain weird
- Well, I won’t be vacationing in Fiji anytime soon…
- Pakistan makes a peace offer to India
- Deportation avoided for State Senator’s wife
- NASA wants to set up a polar moon camp
- NYC health board bans trans fats
Quotes O’ the Day
“Illegitimacy is something we should talk about in terms of not having it.” ~ Former VP Dan Quayle

Monday, December 04, 2006

Daily Briefing - 12/4/06

The Supreme Court case is still resonating throughout the country (and the world), as we can see by articles from the New Yorker and Boston Globe, an editorial from the Philadelphia Inquirer, and analysis from FindLAw, Sierra Club's Carl Pope, NWF's John Kostyack, and CATO's Patrick Michaels. Scientists are also searching for crops that can withstand warming to stave off potential famine, and the Victoria Times looks at the plight of Canadian fisheries.

In Washington, John Bolton resigns as UN Ambassador removing the potential bruising confirmation hearings that awaits him. The Democrats will have voices in positions of power that have consistently questioned the Iraq war, and the lame duck Congress looks to not strain themselves this week. For the '08 crowd, we have a new entry in Sen. Sam "I'm the conservative choice over McCain/Giuliani" Brownback (R-KS), and we have two more fellows with a last name that starts with a B looking into joining the fray (Sen. Bayh (D-IN) and Mayor Bloomberg (R-NY).

In other news, the prices of oranges are going up, President Bush wants to drill off the coast of Alaska, and bloggers are becoming paid stooges of politicians (according to an article in NYT).

Speaking of the blogosphere, 2008 is always on their mind, as well as rehashing '06 and grading their performance. And finally, a naked man high on crack was attacked by a gator... all that and more in the briefing.


Daily Briefing – 12/4/06
It’s the most… wonderful time… of the year!

Key Issues in the News

Global Warming
- New Yorker: On the global warming case
o Carl Pope: On a knife’s edge, Philadelphia Inquirer: Give the EPA a clear mission, Boston Globe: A duck hunt for global warming (Also seen at TargetGlobalWarming, FindLaw: Finding what’s wrong with the standing doctrine
- How it threatens U.S. businesses
- Searching for crops that will survive global warming
- Threatening Canadian fisheries
- North Carolina lawmakers taking on warming
- Tribal leaders addressing global warming
- Jackie Ashley of The Guardian questions the necessity of flying so darn much
- John Bolton resigns as U.N Ambassador
- A split in the GOP tent? Libertarians joining with liberals, cats marrying dogs…
- Democrats who opposed war move into key positions, including the next chairman of the Intelligence Committee
- Lame ducks leaving loose ends
- Republicans are frightened by the prospect of a bipartisan Bush
- Rep. Barney Frank takes on the mortgage program
- A look at government regulations
Potential ‘08ers…
- McCain (courting conservatives in Iowa), Bayh (forming exploratory committee), Obama (an early maybe), Kerry (stalling…), Bloomberg (considering a run), Brownback (looks like he’s in), Daschle (a no-go),
Other News from the Media
- Bush mulls resumed energy drilling off the coast of Alaska
- President Hugo Chavez’s “great gas pipeline of the south,” a $20 billion pipeline that stretches the length of South America.
- Four hurricanes + citrus disease = higher prices for oranges
- Bloggers working for politicians
…and the Blogosphere
- NWF’s John Kostyack: Key Decision Makers Still Don’t Get Global Warming
o Response from CATO’s Patrick Michaels
- The Caucus: Dean’s 50 state strategy
- Chris Bowers at MYDD looks at the ’08 situation
- Senators Landrieu and Sessions on Gulf Coast drilling
- RedState: In praise of John McCain
- Rothenberg Report gives a self-assessment
- TomPaine: Africa is Burning
- From Grist:
o Stephane Dion, next Prime Minister of Canada… and green as green can be
o Dingell planning oversight hearings on environmental issues
o Um, panda porn?
Miscellaneous… or just plain weird
- George Clooney widowed by a pig
- Gator attacks naked man on crack (Seriously)
- SO COOL: Metorite’s organic matter older than the sun… does that mean it’s older than Robert Byrd too?)
Quotes O’ the Day
“I don't know why we are here, but I'm pretty sure that it is not in order to enjoy ourselves.” ~ Ludwig Wittgenstein