Thursday, May 03, 2007

Daily Briefing - 5/3/07: The Top Culprit, Honeybees, Nature Deficit, and Global Warming

Woohoo, a great step forward with the passage of the Honda amendment to the National Science Foundation Authorization Act of 2007!


Daily Briefing – 5/3/07
550 days until the NEXT election… and global warming is an integral part of our nation’s agenda!

Key Issues in the News
Global Warming
- WWF: US the top culprit of global warming
- UN talks down to the wire on IPCC III
o Green lobby pushes for renewable energy
o UN names special envoys
- Arctic melting, well ahead of schedule
- Feeling warmth, subtropical plants move north
- Targeting rice?
- Fighting global warming is a win-win for health problems
- Democrats back down on timetable
- George Will: The road to a GOP House
Potential ‘08ers…
- Obama (reaching out with tough love), Obama again (a MySpace skirmish), Giuliani (which one will show up tonight), Dodd (smacks Edwards), McCain (its good to be alive), Thompson, Fred (actor, politician…), Giuliani again (seeking cash in silicon valley), Hunter (confidence bolstered by straw polls), Bloomberg (is his improving Spanish skills a telling sign?)
- GOP contenders grapple with answering questions about President Bush
- Florida Dems having second thoughts on early primary
Other News from the Media
- Honeybee die off threatens US food supply
- Some are still pushing coal
- More and more American cities are opting for car-free
- NWF’s very own Dave Stallings is getting some press out in Montana
- Oil reliance strains military
…and the Blogosphere
- Treehugger: Battling Nature Deficit Disorder
- The Fix: Senate recruiting
- The Caucus: The GOP debates tonight
- Grist:
o Haste makes waste
o Taking the fund out of superfund
Miscellaneous… or just plain weird
- Want to live a long time? Eat less.
- You think you’ve had a bad day? This guy had a bad day.
- Oh man, a recycling game!!!
- I guess Rudy doesn’t like ferrets
- _____ uses derogatory names once every seven seconds. Take a guess.
- Snubbed AGAIN. One of these days I will be noticed… one of these days, sigh.
- Mac vs. PC? No, this is Marvel vs. DC.
- This section is getting long, but how could I not include this?
Quotes O’ the Day
“To be great is to be misunderstood.” Ralph Waldo Emerson… Is this why everybody looks at with puzzlement?

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Tuesday, May 01, 2007

Daily Briefing - 5/1/07: Arctic Sea Ice, Knut, Coastal Restoration, and Global Warming

Any post that involves Knut has to be good.


Daily Briefing – 5/1/07
552 days until the NEXT election… and global warming is an integral part of our nation’s agenda!

Key Issues in the News
Global Warming
- EU calls on developing countries to reduce greenhouse gases
o US and China balk
o China focuses on their own growth
- Global warming’s impact on wildlife
- Major industries call for decisive action
- It’s about time that no-good plankton was put to work
- Arctic sea ice melting faster
- May burn a hole in wallets
- Canadian premier proposes emission caps
- Views differ on warming’s effect on grizzlies
- Awww, Knut
- April toll is highest for U.S. in ‘07
- Sen. Johnson returns home from hospital
- Tony Snow comes back to work
- Bloggers looking for access to the Capitol
- Bush appointee goes after the White house
Potential ‘08ers…
- Giuliani (will he talk about Iraq?), Richardson (interview with Washington Post), Obama (snubs black caucus), Clinton (women set high standards), McCain (calls for a “League of Democracies”), Clinton again (taking all of Kerry ’04 fundraisers), Bloomberg (could he shake up the race), Thompson, Fred (rehearsing for prime time), Brownback (unrepentant conservative),
- The candidates favorite foods to cook
Other News from the Media
- A walk on the wild side… a profile of NWF’s Dave Mizejewski
- Letting the Mississippi loose and reclaiming land in Louisiana
- Hey, we need solutions to global warming and energy independence. The Bush Administration has got a brand new one! More drilling!!! Yay!!!!!!!
- The engineering challenge of our generation?
- Coral, reborn
- Goat extermination in the Galapagos
- How clean is your city’s air?
- The Supreme Court and the Clean Water Act: Five Essays
…and the Blogosphere
- MotherJones: Gone
- The Fix: Will Dems get another shot at Arizona 1st?
- National review: What Giuliani has to do
- DailyKos: A Gardener’s Guide to Global Warming
o Also on Wildlife Promise
- MYDD: On ’08 Republicans
- Grist:
o An interview with Ann Bancroft, polar explorer
o Getting educated on carbon offsets on campus
Miscellaneous… or just plain weird
- Ooh, the DC Madam scandal heats up. Note the mention of NWF, I think the DC staff… or perhaps membership… has some explaining to do…
- Some of you may like Al Gore, but I’ll take this guy
- Arrggh, he should apologize to everyone who had to see this as well
- Sigh, we hope you come back quickly and just as you were, Eastern Market
Quotes O’ the Day
“If you pick up a starving dog and make him prosperous, he will not bite you. This is the principal difference between a dog and a man.” ~ Mark Twain

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Monday, April 30, 2007

Daily Briefing - 4/30/07: IPCC III, Carbon Offsets, Debates, and Global Warming

Oh man, I'm terrible with getting this out!


Daily Briefing – 4/30/07
553 days until the NEXT election… and global warming is an integral part of our nation’s agenda!

Key Issues in the News
Global Warming
- Climate panel sees need for new steps
- Hammering out the details of IPCC III
o Eyeing the master plan
o U.S. and China criticize report
- About those offsets
o Response from David Roberts at Grist
- Nuclear power is no answer
- A national security issue
- [California] acts quickly to cut greenhouse gases, but there’s more to do
- UN Chief backs Gore
- Vote only a prelude?
Potential ‘08ers…
- Clinton (her power pointer), Hagel (and his stand), Clinton again (how to deal with Obama), Obama (on his faith), Edwards (giving the people of California what they wanted last time), Obama again (reaches out to blacks in LA), Gore (makes a political hire), Thompson, Fred (getting support from Reaganites), McCain (not happy about his press treatment), Giuliani (clients taking luster from homeland security image), McCain again (do years = experience?), Obama again again (a bit of a stumble), Romney (a question of faith and politics), Giuliani (an interesting list of supporters), Edwards and Richardson (disagree over taxes),
- GOP: They want somebody to love
Other News from the Media
- Americans can’t handle the “inconvenience” of compact fluorescent bulbs
- Hope for a zero-pollution car
- Indian project shows that solar power is affordable
- Shark fin soup decimates marine ecosystems
…and the Blogosphere
- Open Congress: Now that Iraq is off their plat (for now) Congress looks ahead
- TomPaine: What global warming split?
- Instapundit: On CFLs and mercury
- Grist:
o Fighting Shell
o Climate change in the Dem debate
Miscellaneous… or just plain weird
- Have you had a hug today?
- My question is, if they’re allowed to use Dance Dance Revolution how come we couldn’t use the PowerPad???
- Web 2.0… unhooked from the computer
- The Queen Mum comes to the States
- Interchange near Bay bridge in San Francisco melts
Quotes O’ the Day
"He offered strong support and commitment to work very closely with me, and I am going to fully use his very powerful political message to mobilize political will and thus enhance the awareness of the international community with this issue," UN Secretary General Ban Ki-Moon on Al Gore

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