Daily Briefing - 2/5/07
AEI is offering $10,000 to "criticize" the IPCC report. Darn conscience.
Daily Briefing – 2/5/07
637 days until the NEXT election… and global warming is an integral part of our nation’s agenda!
Key Issues in the News
Global Warming
- Washington Post editorial: Global Warning
- A disaster epic, in slow motion
- LA Times: Game over?
- London Times: Report to end debate
- UN climate panel head urges India to be responsible
- Asia Times: Bush’s annual hot-air emission
- 46 nations call for an anti-global warming body, U.S. noticeable absent
- UN Secretary General Ban: Warming to hit the poor worst
- AEI critiques questioned, offering a $10,000 reward to “debunk” the IPCC report
- It’s no “greenie conspiracy”
- The groundhog emerged, and sounded a lot like Al Gore
o Speaking of which… Gore to testify before House joint committee hearing
- The editors at the New York Post aren’t sold
- And now a word from GOPUSA
- Bush sends Congress $2.9 trillion spending plan
- Democrats seek unpaid taxes, setting up clash
- A Ralph Nader redux? Oh, boy…
Potential ‘08ers…
- Obama (confronts outsider dilemma), Edwards (on MTP), McCain (born-again supply-sider?), Obama again (black rift widening?), Romney (explains shifts), Gingrich (urging GOP to get tougher), Biden (courting Sharpton), Clinton (winning support), Romney again (politics over pulpit), Edwards again (health care plan includes tax raise), Tancredo (pushing for border security)
Other News from the Media
- Renewable energy advocates see Democrats as allies
- D.C.: A walking city
- Yellowstone proposal sets greater snowmobile access
…and the Blogosphere
- The Fix takes a closer look at Al Franken
- An interview with Sen. Schumer from MYDD
- Laurie David: Past time for action, Mr. President
- Grist:
o On the Olympics
o The looming oxygen shortage
Miscellaneous… or just plain weird
- Colts win Super Bowl XLI… partly thanks to a fantastic showing from “Bad” Rex, gotta love those Gators.
o How ‘bout those ads? Me, I was unimpressed.
o Prince, however, rocked the joint
- Couldn’t they just use an iron chastity belt?
- FOE UK coming up with some interesting ads
- The MUSE Campaign: Rocking against global warming
- An electric car that sounds like a horse
Quotes O’ the Day
“Skeptical scrutiny is the means, in both science and religion, by which deep insights can be winnowed from deep nonsense.” ~Carl Sagan
You shouldn't make fun of Rex, just because he didn't graduate from college and left early only to be replaced by Chris Leak and mostly forgotten down in Gainesville. The Superbowl was a victory for the good guys, the ones your momma wants you to grow up and be like. Peyton got the glory and was humble to share it with his team, but Marvin H is also a great gentleman.
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