Daily Briefing - 2/8/07
Leaders from developing countries, notably Brazil and China (although I am unsure if they still qualify as "developing"), have called for rich, developed nations to take the lead in cutting global warming pollution. This has set off a small row reminiscent of the days when Kyoto was being discussed in America. Why should America fight global warming when nations such as China and India do not have to? Why should developing nations curb their progress toward economic viability to right a wrong perpetuated on the world by already developed nations? This is an argument that has been, for the most part, dormant for the last few years. Some state, on either side fo the argument, that it is a matter of fairness, but the problem of global warming is not one to be scuttled due to the squabbles over fairness.
The consequences of global warming loom over our future generations. When former Chairman of the Federal Reserve Paul Volcker states that fighting global warming will help our economy, it makes the notion that cutting greenhouse gas emissions will "cripple our economy" rather over the top. If our own economic viability will not be harmed (let alone the possibility of it being helped), shouldn't our stewardship of the Earth transcend petty squabbles over fairness?
On to the briefing...
Daily Briefing – 2/8/07
634 days until the NEXT election… and global warming is an integral part of our nation’s agenda!
Key Issues in the News
Global Warming
- Scientific American: Global warming to require more robust disaster relief
- Carbon-free living: China’s green leap forward
- Brazil scolds developed countries
- What we don’t know about climate change
- Key players react to IPCC
- Minnesota Daily: The Art of Science Bashing
- Gore: Emerging economies are justified in holding back on cutting greenhouse gas emissions until developed nations pull their weight
- Adaptation is an essential response
- A hot topic in Washington
- Land preservation can help
- Report may trigger lawsuits
- Catholic Online: Resist special interest groups and search for common ground
- Washington Times: Why Americans Hate Congress
- Budget cuts for environment, increases for nuclear
Potential ‘08ers…
- Giuliani (draws even with McCain in NH), Clinton (the big money fundraisers), Clinton again (a $15 million haul), Edwards (tax the rich to pay for healthcare), Giuliani again (mining for gold in CA), McCain (no joy on the trail), Obama (off and running), Obama again (boomlet in Mass.), Romney (conservatives split on him), Tancredo (focusing on the campaign),
- Rootless candidates?
Other News from the Media
- Just how bad is the biodiversity extinction crisis?
- This old house… this green house
- UNEP warns of dangers of biofuel production
- Sustainable wind resource off Mid-Atlantic Coast
…and the Blogosphere
- The Fix: Likeability vs. Electability
- Rothenberg: Dems likely to defy history and hold on to House in ‘08
- RedState: Supporting Senator Sam Brownback
- TPM on the Edwards blogger brouhaha, more from Hotline
- Has Senator Inhofe lost it?
- Grist:
o Bright Lines
o Is Vista green?
o Boxer v. Inhofe on Larry King
Miscellaneous… or just plain weird
- Rubber sidewalks?
- Bush the elder must be a Desperate Housewives fan
- (Warning: This is my personal opinion.) THIS IS RIDICULOUS.
Quotes O’ the Day
“In my many years I have come to a conclusion that one useless man is a shame, two is a law firm, and three or more is a congress.” ~ John Adams
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