Daily Briefing - 2/7/07
This morning Senator Lieberman headed a hearing on Global Warming and Wildlife, specifically focusing on how the rapid changing of our planet's climate is and will affect wildlife andwild places. The most potent focus of the hearing was the pending decision to list polar bears as an endangered species, due to the warming-related loss of habitat. Senator Inhofe even admitted to loving the "warm and fuzzy little guys" before he went into challenging whether warming is occurring/increasing thanks to human made greenhouse gases. Senator Warner was honestly moved by the testimony of a few of the panelists. As a self-described outdoorsman, he listenend intently to the description of Chesapeake Bay deadzones and destruction of forests due to invasive species moving with the changing climate.
Global warming continues to get a lot of press, the vast majority either in acceptance of the scientific consensus and/or clamoring for action. Some specific pieces -- support grows for a special UN summitt, and former Chairman of the Federal reserv says that not only will addressing global warming not severely hurt our economy but it, in itself, is bad for our economy.
Finally, the bald eagle may be removed from the endangered species list, and NWF's own John Kostyack was on NPR this morning discussing this important issue.
On to the briefing...
Daily Briefing – 2/7/07
635 days until the NEXT election… and global warming is an integral part of our nation’s agenda!
Key Issues in the News
Global Warming
- Doubt gives way to certainty
- Melding science and diplomacy to run a global climate review
- Support seen growing for climate summit
- Volcker: Global warming bad for the economy
- Canada debates emissions
- Senator Levin: Rise to global warming challenge
- Earth’s status beyond dire
- Highlighting tourism’s role in climate response
- Will China be able to take the heat?
- Manila Times; Warming very likely caused by man
- Hugo wants energy conservation?
- Tuscon Citizen: Recipe for disaster
- Robert Samuelson: Global warming and hot air
- Jeff Jacoby of the Boston Globe questions the “chicken littles”
- Al Gore goes to Spain
- Congressman Waxman, a new cop on the beat
- A war tax?
- A blistering editorial from the Indy Star on their Congressman’s lackluster record
- Lawmakers revolt against long hours
Potential ‘08ers…
- Giuliani (and what about the judges), Clinton (lurching leftward), Clinton again (GOP views her as virtually unbeatable), Edwards (hired bloggers drawing ire of Catholics), Giuliani again (White House bid is still officially undeclared), Obama (America is ready), Romney (formal kickoff set for Tuesday), Dodd (uses his Wall Street “juice”), Huckabee (sees Iowa as a big test),
- ’08 could be a billion dollar campaign
- Unity08 plans to field a fusion ticket
- Clinton and Obama: Right candidates, wrong question
Other News from the Media
- Bald eagle may leave endangered species list
o Listen in and you can here our very own John Kostyack, or maybe you were lucky enough to hear him live this morning as Leslie Pool was, “I woke up to John's dulcet tones today! woowoo!”
- Group of rare vultures found in Cambodia
- For wolves, recovery may not be the blessing it seems
- Budget boost proposed for parks
- UN lifts ban on beluga caviar
…and the Blogosphere
- MYDD: Clinton up by double digit margin in NH
- The Fix: McCain, Romney and the endorsement race
- NRO: Stick ethanol in the museum of unintended consequences
- Huffington Post: This is what congressional oversight looks like
- Hotline: Ten truths about Rudy Giuliani
- Grist:
o School of (Mayor) Rocky (Anderson)
o Bush’s farm bill reform falls woefully short
o Being green on a budget
Miscellaneous… or just plain weird
- Imagery malfunction?
- Anyone who is a fan of live music, this is a fantastic step towards ridiculous summer ticket prices… FREE Ozzfest
- A weight loss pill and Anna Nicole Smith are misleading?! NO!?!?
Quotes O’ the Day
“If you asked me to name the three scariest threats facing the human race, I would give the same answer that most people would: nuclear war, global warming and Windows.” ~ Dave Barry quotes
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