Daily Briefing - 1/19/07
H.R. 6: CLEAN Energy Act passes!
A great step in the fight against global warming has been taken. Momentum is building...
First 100
Daily Briefing – 1/19/07
654 days until the NEXT election… and global warming is an integral part of our nation’s agenda!
Key Issues in the News
Global Warming
- Speaker Pelosi creates the House Select Committee on Energy Indepenence and Global Warming
- Crunch year for planet Earth
- A coalition for a firm limit on emissions
- China starts thinking alternative energy
- Energy giants back cap-and-trade program
o Houston Chronicle’s Blue Bayou: Global warming and cap-and-trade
- Thomas Friedman wants a “green new deal”
- Students use civil rights tactics to combat global warming
- Will Bush address global warming?
- Weather forecasters duke it out
o National Review weighs in
First 100 Hours: Energy
- House repeals tax breaks for Big Oil
o Also from NYT and Houston Chronicle
- Pelosi gains as Democratic priorities get high marks
- Four powerful Democrats, one house, hilarity ensues… not really
- Former Congressman Bob “Coingate” NEy (R-OH) gets 2 ½ years in jail
- Senate passes ethics package comparable, if not stronger than the House’s
- House approves page program reforms
Potential ‘08ers…
- Edwards (balanced priorities), Obama (about that resume…), Clinton (the Iraq shuffle), Obama again (rolling the dice)
Other News from the Media
- Wall Street is betting on the farm, investing in ag-related energy futures
- Oil will rise to $100 after “correction”
o High prices prod developed world to curb usage
- Gov. Perry sued over coal plants
…and the Blogosphere
- The Fix has its Senate Line
- Kos on the possible Dem nominees
- Speaker Pelosi: Progress is possible again
- Congressman Hensarling: 100 Hours of Big Government
- The Caucus runs down the 100 Hours
- Grist:
o A school lunch revolution
o A denier’s mea culpa
o Robert Redford hates climate change
Miscellaneous… or just plain weird
- Humorist Art Buchwald dies
- Ann Coulter: Baghdad is just like L.A.
- Methodist ministers protest putting the Bush Presidential library at SMU
- Umm, what guy was stupid enough to partake in something that resulted in this?
Quotes O’ the Day
“I spoke earlier, and after I spoke I went out of the Chamber and I bumped into some people from the National Wildlife Federation, and they gave me 30,000 signatures of people who want this bill to pass, people who care about the environment. People who care about global warming, people who believe in national security, who believe in economic security, signed this in the last 3 weeks. The American people obviously are way ahead of us.” ~ Congressman Jim McDermott (D-WA)