Friday, February 09, 2007

Daily Briefing - 2/9/07

I could give you a rundown of today's news, or I could focus on one piece trying to foster a discussion... but I can't. I'm too distracted by the title of the article from the "venerable" Human Events: Global Warming Turns People Gay. I guess employing Ann Coulter isn't enough to prove their craziness.


Daily Briefing – 2/9/07
633 days until the NEXT election… and global warming is an integral part of our nation’s agenda!

Key Issues in the News

Global Warming
- WSJ: Is it time for a new tax on energy?
o A great analysis from a DailyKos diarist
- Scientists to vie for $25 million prize
- The New Yorker’s Talk of the Town on global warming
- The Speaker and Republicans clash in global warming hearing
- No change in political climate
- Understanding global warming
- Christian Science Monitor: What the world needs now is to reduce carbon emissions
- George Will is skeptical
- Bush Administration defends record
o Grist: Feeling the Heat
- Gore to announce series of rock concerts that will “dwarf Live Aid”… SWEET
o The rock star to speak at OU
- And Human Events wins for stupidest article of the day! Congratulations!
- “Dubious intelligence” fueled push for war
- Poll shows modest loss for Republicans and small gain for Democrats in party affiliation
- CNN and Nevada Dems to hold debate for Democrats on 11/4/07
- Rep. Peter Welch (D-VT) announces carbon-neutral congressional office
- Bernie Sanders: Still a Maverick
Potential ‘08ers…
- Obama (will announce tomorrow), Obama again (Miss America likes him), McCain (to Iowa he goes), McCain again (and SC), Clinton (hits SF), Biden (comes to Iowa), Huckabee (defends tax record), Brownback (wins support of Christian songwriter), McCain and Giuliani (blasted by DeLay… is that a bad thing?), Hillary v. Rudy (New York, New York!), Edwards (keeps bloggers on staff despite controversy), Romney (did he change his tune for political gain?), Obama again again (his pending undoing)
- ‘08ers on the trail
- The ad blitz begins!
Other News from the Media
- Waiting list gone, incentives coming for Prius
- Diesel to run global warming ads
- The next step in greening your home… a dirt floor
- Roadless rule reinforced
…and the Blogosphere
- RFK Jr.: Exposing ExxonMobil
- Chris Mooney on the House Science and Technology Committee hearing on climate change, which included Speaker Pelosi as a panelist
- National Review has a couple of skeptical articles
- Cartoon duck leads draft movement for a conservative economist
- Grist:
o Talking global warming at Davos
o Bob Burnquist, skateboarder extraordinaire and enviro-activist
o Carbon offsets, neutrality, trading, and whatnot
o Greed got us into this mess
o Heat: How to Stop the Planet From Warming - a book review
Miscellaneous… or just plain weird
- They just can’t get rid of him
- Doomsday vault design unveiled
- “Terror-free” gas station?
- Thieves moving away from jacking car stereos to… catalytic converters?
Quotes O’ the Day
“Obama’s about to endure a going-over that would make a proctologist blush.” ~ Mike Allen, The Politico


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