Friday, December 22, 2006

Daily Breifing - 12/22/06

Happy Friday! This will be the last daily briefing of 2006, as it will be on the shelf until January 3, 2007. Until then, have a joyous and safe holiday!


Daily Briefing – 12/22/06
682 days until the NEXT election… and global warming is an integral part of our nation’s agenda!

Key Issues in the News

Global Warming
- India and China to jointly study global warming
- Global warming is imminent threat
- Global warming ate my insurance policy
- Gore: Time is now to mobilize
- PG&E to help customers fight global warming
- Federal judge takes swipe at McCain-Feingold campaign finance law
o Also from NYT
- Rep.-elect Ellison: Rep. Goode has a lot to learn about Islam
- Eyeing ’08 Democrats nurse freshman at risk
Potential ‘08ers…
- Bloomberg (making a bet on innovation), Romney (NH’ans like what they hear), Giuliani (the Pim Fortuyn of America), Edwards and Obama (leading Democrats in Iowa), Richardson (draft Richardson campaign launched)
Other News from the Media
- Incentives on oil barely help U.S.
- Powerful interests ally to restructure agriculture subsidies
- Thomas Friedman on living green
- Bitch magazine’s green issue
- 6,000 pounds of nuclear material spilled on NC highway
…and the Blogosphere
- The Fix looks at potential tough House races in ‘08
- A fable from Hotline
- From Grist:
o Green building codes
o Top eco-books
- TPM: Rep. Denny Rehberg’s Communications Director hired two hackers to change his GPA
Miscellaneous… or just plain weird
- Europe’s biggest dinosaur discovered in Spain
- Stephen Colbert’s greenscreen challenge
- Jessica Simpson, not that talented
Quotes O’ the Day
"Stephen, it is time to Rock" ~Henry Kissinger

Thursday, December 21, 2006

Daily Briefing - 12/21/06

We're going to keep this short today...

The New York Times has a great, yet depressing article on the misuse of funds and overall bad methods of encouraging developing countries to cut greenhouse gases. In short, its wasting a ton of money and coddling polluters. There is a great op-ed in the Boston Globe today from Rep. Marty Meehan and Paul epstein from Harvard Med calling for greater action and stronger pronouncements. Grist is on the ball with two revealing interviews, one with soon-to-be Chairman of the Energy and NAtural Resources Committee John Dingell (D-MI) and the other with former President-elect of the Christian Coalition of America Rev. Joel Hunter.

In other non-global warming news, all you need to know is that my fellow Jews are keeping it green in DC and Donald Trump called Rosie O'Donnell disgusting. Well, there's more to know... but that is all in the briefing!


Daily Briefing – 12/21/06
683 days until the NEXT election… and global warming is an integral part of our nation’s agenda!

Key Issues in the News

Global Warming
- Outsize profits, and questions, in effort to cut warming gases
- Europe acts to penalize jet pollution
- Making noise on global warming, an op-ed from Rep. Meehan (D-MA) and Paul Epstein from Harvard Med School
- CO2 and alarmism, an op-ed from Fred Singer
- With warmer weather, different decisions to make
- Alternet: The hidden opportunity in global warming
- AZ Chamber of Commerce fears state action
- Financial Times: Climate change, a heated debate
- Consensus about global warming calls for action, from the Des Moines Register
- Gore brings the dilemma to living rooms
- Grist’s How to talk to a climate skeptic: The null hypothesis says its natural
- Grist: A conversation with Rep. John Dingell on climate change, fuel economy and the 110th
- Senator Warner (R-VA) weighing reelection bid in ‘08
- Rep. Virgil Goode (R-VA) not sorry for Islamophobic remarks
o An analysis from Cenk Uygur on Huffington Post
- President Bush: You can have your minimum wage increase, but you gotta cut taxes too
- Gov. Jeb Bush: No tengo futuro
- A new breed of Democratic populist: Salt Lake City Mayor Rocky Anderson
Potential ‘08ers…
- Romney (rightward shift raises questions), McCain (democrats punching bag), Edwards (Labor’s man), Obama (obviously some people live under a rock), Clinton (U.S. has “never had a mother”), Obama again (critics building cases on faulty premises), McCain (scaring the field onto his train), McCain again again (trying to reverse his SC misfortune), Giuliani (held first fundraiser and launched a website), Clinton again (cultivates CA base), Edwards again (preparing NH trip), Romney again (heading to Iowa), Richardson (Nevadans want him to run),
Other News from the Media
- Jewish environmentalists want to know, “How many does it take to change a light bulb?”
- George Will questions the value of the egalitarian “intellectualism” of the internet
…and the Blogosphere
- RedState: Is Brownback bad on immigration?
- Daily Kos offers a reaction to the NYT story on cutting GHGs in third world countries
- From Grist:
o A conversation with Rev. Joel Hunter, former President-elect of the Christian Coalition
o Learning from Nobel Prize winners
o Traditional journalism struggles with complex issues
Miscellaneous… or just plain weird
- Celebrity mudslinging between two people nobody really cares about!
- Wait wait, does this mean that the second coming will be a Komodo dragon??
- Oh my, it seems Tom DeLay’s blog created a firestorm of comments (Warning: some comments are rather inappropriate)
Quotes O’ the Day
“The whole dream of democracy is to raise the proletarian to the level of stupidity attained by the bourgeois.” ~ Gustave Flaubert

Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Daily Briefing - 12/20/06

In an effort to curb greenhouse gases even further, the EU has adopted a scheme to limit aviation emissions. Costs will most likely fall onto the consumer, and detractors do not see the benefits of such an enterprise. Across the Atlantic to the sun-drenched valley, a group called the Silicon Valley Leadership Group has taken it upon itself to make the region less dependent on foreign oil and to curb greenhouse gas emissions. Traveling back eastward and stopping in the heartland, a panel in Louisville will meet to address how their city can work to fight global warming. We wind in the blustery capital, where winds of change and an unseasonable warmth have brought Democrats back into power and plants not natural to the region.

Maybe the weather has warmed the cold heart of politics. President Bush reached out today to Democrats, stating that he plans to work with them on domestic issues. Then again, maybe the weather has cleared senses to make Mr. Bush face a harsh reality as he admist that we are not winning the war in Iraq.

Because the Presidential field is so thin...another horse may jump into the '08 race (former Governor Jim Gilmore (R-VA)). At RedState, they're angry at National Review for featuring only Romney and McCain on their cover, but that does not distract them from taking snipes at Sens. Snowe and Rockefeller for their angry letter to the CEO of ExxonMobil for paying global warming deniers.

In the most important news of the day, Rocky Balboa is back! Well, it might be the most important news... all depending on how bad/good it is and if it makes me forget Rocky V (yeeechhh!). With that, I leave you with a parting thought... a new study released says that a low to mid amount of alcohol can save a person's life when faced with serious head trauma. Once again proving the sage wisdom of one Homer Simpson: "Beer, the cause of -- and solution to -- all of life's problems."


Daily Briefing – 12/20/06
684 days until the NEXT election… and global warming is an integral part of our nation’s agenda!

Key Issues in the News

Global Warming
- EU adopts aviation emissions scheme
- Silicon Valley Leadership Group launches plan to curb greenhouse gases and reduce regions dependence on foreign oil
o San Jose Mercury News editorial: Valley’s employers v. global warming
- Global warming panel to meet in Louisville
- A challenge to agriculture
- Washington warming to southern plants
- Grist: Top ten climate stories of 2006, part II
- President Bush intends to work with the Democratic majority on a broad range of domestic issues
- President Bush: U.S. not winning war in Iraq
Potential ‘08ers…
- Giuliani (The Fix chats about him), Gilmore (forming an exploratory committee), Obama (should look for work in a Clinton cabinet), Clinton (embarking on a media tour), Richardson (he’s got foreign policy cred), Gingrich (writes off Bush, blames Rove for failures)
Other News from the Media
- Mount St. Helens steam plume visible in Portland
- YouTube journalism
- Garrison Keillor on the oddness of the season
…and the Blogosphere
- DailyKos on how youth voting patterns in the Mountain West are turning that region blue
- TPM: GOP Rep. fears influx of Muslims elected to Congress
- Huffington Post: Al Gore is the voice of reality for 2006
- From Grist:
o The most important environmental books
o Congress gives parting nod to offshore drillers and renewable energy industries
o Eight signs of hope
- At RedState they support a call for Senators Snowe and Rockefeller’s resignation over their letter to ExxonMobil
Miscellaneous… or just plain weird
- Rocky Balboa is back!
- Stupidest liquor store thief, ever
- Oh yea, it’s a really free country… China may not allow single or overweight people to adopt.
- I guess these people weren’t included in the “Person of the Year”
- Long-gone drug lord’s hippos thrive in his estate
- Alcohol can help save lives
Quotes O’ the Day
"I've been going to AA for a year, by the way. Well it's no one's business. That's why it's anonymous!" ~Lindsay Lohan, on why she just revealed that she joined Alcoholics Anonymous.

Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Daily Briefing - 12/19/06

There is much hubbub over An Inconvenient Truth being shown in classrooms. Laurie David tried to send 50,000 copies to the National Science Teachers Association. They refused as to not upset certain related groups. Nonetheless, teachers across the land are lining up to get a free copy from Ms. David and show it to their class. A writer over at RedState looks at this with disdain (by jove! really?!). While students in Bermuda and people in Kodiak, Alaska are wondering how they can help fight global warming.

E.J. Dionne of the Washington Post has an intriguing op-ed detailing the shift in American political ideology. He observes that the signal of the shift is seen in youth voting patterns, noting large under 30 turnout for Reagan in '84 and for Democrats in '06. Elswhere around Washington, Speaker Pelosi is tabbing more people for leadership posts, including Congressman Van Hollen (D-MD) as the new DCCC chair.

The Washington Post leads with an analysis of the problems Mayor Giuliani will face in the primary. Nonetheless, he ties Sen. Clinton in a poll released yesterday, while Sen. McCain loses to her. In what can only be a good move for a candidate, Gov. Tom Vilsack (D-IA) went on The Daily Show and held his own. I imagine just about every serious candidate will take on Stewart or Colbert in some way throughout the campaign.

Down in Louisiana, the Army Corps continues to draw criticism from scientists for its poor proposals to fix the levee systems in the Gulf. Across the nation to Hawaii, an archipelago rich with diverse species is struggling to survive. Sadly, the effects of global warming will only lessen the likelihood of survival for them as well as the 52 new species found on the island of Borneo.

Finally, Congratualtions! YOU are Time Magazine's Person of the Year. I do not think they could have chosen a more articulate, intelligent, funny, good-looking, and vague person.

On to the briefing...


Daily Briefing – 12/19/06
685 days until the NEXT election… and global warming is an integral part of our nation’s agenda!

Key Issues in the News

Global Warming
- Emissions rise despite vow made to curb them in 2001
- Environment Northeast offers roadmap to curb warming
- Washington Post special report: An emerging topic for teachers
- An Inconvenient Truth riling up Bermuda students
- Grist’s how to talk to a skeptic: Global warming is part of a natural cycle and its nothing new
- Grist: Top Ten Climate Stories of 2006
- New Zealand global warming scientists set drilling record in Antarctica
- Kodiakans search for solutions
- The “Real America” redefined
- Speaker Pelosi names more leaders
- Sens. Clinton and Ensign: An Oil Trust for Iraq
- Rep. Van Hollen to be the next DCCC Chair
- Sen. Johnson will be back to work, sooner rather than later, according to son
Potential ‘08ers…
- Giuliani (a primary problem), Clinton (adds another top operative), Giuliani again (gets some snarky support), Romney (view of immigration policy hasn’t changed), McCain (tapping Bush donors), Brownback (removes controversial block of judicial nominee), Vilsack (taking on Stewart), Huckabee (gets a little verbal support from Sen. Lincoln (D-AR)), Kerry and Dodd (meet with Lebanese leaders), Obama (Draft Obama campaign producing ad), Gingrich (getting pasted by CATO), Clinton again (edging out McCain, ties Giuliani in poll)
- GOP hopefuls eyeing Texas cash
Other News from the Media
- Corps proposal for Gulf draws criticism from scientists
- A struggle to preserve Hawaiian archipelago and its varied wildlife
- Scientists have discovered 52 new species on the island of Borneo
…and the Blogosphere
- Bob McKay of Huffington Post gets a little confused about climate change, but offers a good critique of skeptic distortions
- RedState on Laurie David’s giveaway of An Inconvenient Truth to teachers
- TomPaine on renewable energy
- From Grist:
o On wrapping paper
o Central America and biofuels
- MYDD: Targeting 50 Republican House Seats
Miscellaneous… or just plain weird
- Al Gore caught warming the globe to increase box office products
- Miss USA’s going to rehab
- Faculty, administrators, and staff are fighting to prevent the Bush Presidential Library from being located at SMU
- Founder and CEO of Facebook turns down $1.6 BILLION from Yahoo!
- YOU are Time Magazine’s Person of the Year. I want a recount, I think I was more deserving, or maybe she was…how about them?
Quotes O’ the Day
“When history looks back at the actions of this president and the decisions he made regarding this war, you will go down as the most incompetent American people of all time. Deal with it!" ---Stephen Colbert

Monday, December 18, 2006

Daily Briefing - 12/18/06

People are feeling the heat from Geneva to Boston. Ski resorts in the Alps are faced with ever milder winters, while the citizens of Boston are just confused that no one has gotten frost bite yet. The folks at CATO are taking the time this holiday season to poke fun at Al Gore, and argue in their libertarian ways against global warming related regulations. Thankfully, the Governor of Minnesota, as well as the citizens of Menlo Park do not share these sentiments.

In case you missed him, Newt is back and in full force. He was all over the news this weekend, hashing out his ideas and policies on Meet the Press and in front of crowds in NH. Too bad he still can't draw a crowd as big or even force a fellow candidate to drop out by sheer media magnitude, ala Obama. The one who dropped out? That would be former Governor and current Senator Evan Bayh (D-IN). As one drops out, another joins (Edwards), and another may rethink dropping out and rejoining (Warner).

The Seattle Times has a fascinating look at a suburban Seattle family who are taking on life without a car and trying in many other ways to live sustainably. Majora Carter of the South Bronx would applaud these efforts as she tries to clean up her neighborhood. Hopefully China will find many Major Carter's and carless families because their economic boom may be stifling the rest of us in ways not economic.

For the many of you who plan on buying me a gift, The Caucus has a top ten list of gifts for political geeks. I am far and away a geek, politically and in many other genres. In other blogosphere news, MYDD wrestles with Obamamania, Volokh Conspiracy questions the EU's committement ot reducing carbon, and Grist concludes its biofuel series.

Did you know that humans have an ability to track like dogs? It's true. Our olfactory abilities are more developed than previously thought. Maybe this will help the fans of String Cheese Incident find some of America's biggest cash crop. Alright, that's enough... I'm going to go sniff out some lunch. On to the briefing.


Daily Briefing – 12/18/06
686 days until the NEXT election… and global warming is an integral part of our nation’s agenda!

Key Issues in the News

Global Warming
- Posing threats to ski resorts in the Alps
- Boston feels the warmth
- Automakers want judge to throw out California global warming suit
- Menlo Park leads the way for a green future
- Minneapolis Star-Tribune editorial: A bold, balanced initiative on energy
- Scotsman: Time to get tough on carbon emissions
- CATO: The Gore who stole Christmas
- Boston Globe: Have yourself a carbon neutral Christmas
- Paying to ease guilt
- How can you help?
- Quirks of fate can decide majority
- Dick Cheney’s waning influence
- So long, farewell, auf wiedersehen, Rumsfeld
Potential ‘08ers…
- Gingrich (’08 bid depends on rivals), Bayh (bows out), Gingrich again (on a mission), Obama (forcing a shuffle), Clinton (speaking out against a troop increase), Warner (might be jumping back in), Romney (Newsweek feature), Edwards (setting to launch bid), Obama again (why he may not run), Giuliani (wooing conservatives in California), Hunter (shooting pheasants in Iowa), Brownback (hires Domino’s founder), Huckabee (add another book to the list), McCain (goes to Israel), Richardson (McCain is wrong)
- It’s a diverse bunch
Other News from the Media
- NPR: Venture capital firm puts faith in clean technology
- Wood boilers cut heating bills, clog lungs
- Los Angeles becoming a transit leader… yes, that Los Angeles
- The price we pay for China’s boom
- Yucca nuclear storage project may be doomed
- Mild storm season provided no urgency for flood insurance fixes
o Coastal living likely to carry a heavier premium
- Hurrican Katrina left Iowa awash in subsidies
- Seeing Green: On a suburban family living without a car
- Philadelphia Inquirer editorial: Farm Aid
- Majora Carter: Bringing cleaner air and a bit of nature to a place where ti is sorely needed
- Mixed prairie grasses better source of biofuels
…and the Blogosphere
- The Fix looks at the fallout over Bayh dropping out
- The Caucus’ Top Ten Gifts for Political Geeks
- MYDD: Chris Bowers on how to evaluate the impending Democratic Congress and Jerome Armstrong on Obama’s appealing ability to look forward instead of being mired with the rest of his colleagues in “the issues of the 60’s”
- A green Christmas from Huffington Post
- From grist:
o Biodiesel, the fat of the land
o Conclusions from the biofuels series
- Volokh Conspiracy: EU vs. USA on CO2
Miscellaneous… or just plain weird
- Humans can track like dogs. Does this make the statement “men are dogs” a compliment?
- Ex-pats angry over being taxed
- Giving hope to Phish fans and Dead Heads throughout the country
- Nano-foods
- Creating an eco-warrior
Quotes O’ the Day
"Barack Obama was in New Hampshire Sunday. When informed of this, President Bush excitedly asked, 'Did we catch him?'" ~Saturday Night Live