Monday, July 09, 2007

8 Candidates Lay Out Their Global Warming Plans

Below, I've posted all of the 8 Democratic Presidential Candidates responses to questions by members about their plans to address global warming. Believe me, there's good, bad, and ugly among these responses. But we need more of this, more citizens challenging these '08 hopefuls to lay out their plans, and act on them.

Please, watch the clips, and keep score.

Ed. Note: Thanks to MoveOn and their Town Hall series on climate for providing these clips on YouTube. Be sure to check out their website for more on this great series. ~ Wildlife Action

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Richardson Gives a Swing at Subsidies

Energy Independence, Richardson Style.

New Orleans, and a Cabinet Position?

The executive.

Bill Richardson Lays Out One Agressive Global Warming Plan

80% by 2040!
Dates and rates, baby!

Edwards Gets Green Job Question

Open the grids!

Carbon Auction?

Get off our addiction to oil!

Kevin Powell Asks the Green Champ About His Plan

We should not be building another coal-fired power plant in the United States of America!

It's time for the President to ask Americans to be patriotic about something other than war...

Steve Kirsch Asks Kucinich: Isn't It time to Accept EU's Plan

Yes. And then some. Cap and Share!

The Impact Of Ethanol

We cannot call ethanol the path of the future.

Kucinich's Plan--Green Philosophy!

Integrated Greenness. This, we like!

Subsidies: Will Gravel Redirect the Power?

Redirect? No, he'll end it! Fusion? Fission!? Fusion! Skullduggery!

Political Interests

Ethanol? Corn? Clean Coal? Sequestration? Nuclear?

or Efficiency, Wind, Solar?

Gravel Lays Out His Plan

Wait, somehow his sales tax plan helps global warming?

Does a good job pointing out that Israel, Japan, and France are leading the way.

What is American doing?

40 MPH in the Next 20 Years, Will Hilary?

Well, she'll try.

There is no try, Hilary, only do.

Would She Create A Cabinet Position?

Nope, she wouldn't. She cares about New Orleans, though.

What is the most important priority, Hilary?

Global Warming is ONE of her highest priorities? Oy!

More Green Jobs or Big Business. Dodd?

Oooh, a bold new vista!

Dodd articulately says nothing he hasn't already!

The Dodd Administration Will Oppose LTC

Global Warming Is A Serious Issue! says Dodd

Dodd's Plan

Under his plan, Polluters Will PAY, hrmm...sounds good, but where's the rest of the plan. He says nobody else achieves 80% by 2050, but Richardson is pledging 90%. Sounds like a Green-Off to me

Former Labor Secretary Asks About Carbon Auction

Clean Energy a Manhattan Project?

Jean Barker reminds Obama of Liquid to Coal

Obama defends his stand on liquid to coal, "clean coal" technologies.

How IS Obama's Plan Different?

Well, at least he talks the talk now.

Stop Dirty Coal?

Daron Murphy asks if Biden would stop new dirty coal plants!

Bush failed @ G8, would Biden?

Biden says no.

Biden's Plan?

Biden lays out his plan.