Friday, February 02, 2007

Daily Briefing - 2/2/07

It's Groundhog's Day! Punxsutawney Phil did not see his shadow, foreshadowing an early spring.
"Dr. Doug Inkley, wildlife biologist with the National Wildlife Federation, has been pondering over Phil's forecasting track record. He found that in the first 75 years of the 20th century, Phil cast no shadow only four times, which according to folklore meant an early end to winter. But in just the last 25 years of the century, Phil cast no shadow fully eight [NOW NINE] times, alerting us that winter was coming to an early end, a six fold increase!"

Also, the IPCC released its awaited report to vast media coverage. The gist? Humans are causing global warming. It's bad and getting worse... rapidly. This is a consensus. Check out the briefing for full coverage of the report as well as other news from around the country, world, and the otherworldly blogosphere.


Daily Briefing – 2/2/07
640 days until the NEXT election… and global warming is an integral part of our nation’s agenda!

Key Issues in the News

Global Warming
- UN Climate Panel Says Warming is Man-Made
o Also from CNN, NYT, Baltimore Sun, Bloomberg, Boston Globe, Chicago Sun-Times, USA Today, Miami Herald, Australia Herald-Sun, Daily India, Buenos-Aires Herald
o Here is the full report
- More analysis of the report:
o AP: Dire Report Will Not Change U.S. Policy
§ Democrats call it a smoking gun
o Guardian: Sea levels rising at an accelerating rate
o NYT: Even before its release, report is criticized as too optimistic
o Sun-Sentinel: Could swamp Florida within 50 years
o CBC Montreal: Major Consequences for the Arctic
o Salt-Lake Tribune: An historic day?
o UK Telegraph: IPCC to everybody else – “We told you so
o Guardian: An unforgivable truth
o Sydney Morning Herald: Changing mood isolates Bush in his own country
o San Jose Mercury-News: Senators Hope Report Will Signal Action
- Europeans turn off the lights
- Philadelphia Inquirer: Let the Science Speak
o Miami Herald: Politicizing Science Harms Your Right to Know
- Australia a climate change criminal
- California Attorney General to pursue lawsuit against top automakers
- Bolivia’s only ski resort facing a snowless future
- Senate adds tax breaks to minimum wage bill
- Democrats urge tighter FCC rules
- Sanchez quits Hispanic Caucus after Chairman allegedly calls her a whore
Potential ‘08ers…
- Biden (misquoted?), Biden again (Eugene Robinson is unimpressed), Hagel (the case against), McCain (lamenting), Obama (can’t take black vote for granted), Clinton (setting goals for donors), Gore (waiting until after the Oscars… at least Donna Brazile is), Giuliani (goes mining in Texas), Romney (gets some Talent… oh man, that’s a horrible pun), Vilsack (takes on another job… probably a wise move), Hunter (profiled), McCain (California primary may hinder him)
- Democrats in debt up to their ears, Republicans up to only their necks or so
Other News from the Media
- Friedman: Oil Addicted Ayatollahs
- Nuclear power is NOT a renewable source of energy
- Pollution leaves women at greater risk of heart disease, death
- Wal-Mart launches new environmental initiative
- Green rage?
…and the Blogosphere
- Terry: Explains just exactly what the IPCC is anyway
- The Hotline On-Call has a great rundown of speeches given at the DNC Winter Summit by ’08 candidates
- Glenn Reynolds will believe the debate is over when our leaders give up private jets and stretch limos
- Huffington Post: A few more inconvenient truths and For the Kids
- The Volkh Conspiracy sees the IPCC’s consensus as “fragile” and the National Review is unimpressed
- Grist:
o On the IPCC
o Business is already acting
o IPCC report watered down?
o 11 things YOU can do
Miscellaneous… or just plain weird
- Punxsutawney Phil predicts an early spring
- The biggest publishing event we have ever seen? (Hint: It involves Harry Potter)
- San Francisco’s Mayor: Model of decency
- Eww – smelly, orange snow in Siberia
Quotes O’ the Day
Larry Schweiger, president of the National Wildlife Federation, called it already "past time to act and solve global warming with the urgency and determination with which Americans have successfully confronted other threats to our security and to wildlife." From this AP article


Pollution Causing Global Warming:

Scientists Report Overwhelming Evidence

Statement by Larry Schweiger

President & CEO, National Wildlife Federation

Regarding New Report from Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC)

Washington, DC (Feb. 2) - "In this report, the science of global warming is clear. It is our future that is now uncertain. It is past time to act and solve global warming with the urgency and determination with which Americans have successfully confronted other threats to our security and to wildlife.

"The evidence is now overwhelming that pollution from burning fossil fuels like oil and coal is causing global warming. This report underscores our moral responsibility to confront global warming immediately to protect our children's future and the future of wildlife.

"More than 2,200 of the best scientists from around the world were involved in developing this consensus on global warming as part of a cooperative global scientific effort unparalleled in history.

"According to the report, there is at least a 90 percent certainty that human activities are causing global warming since 1950, especially from using fossil fuels that drive global warming pollution.

"We cannot allow our children to inherit this problem when we have the know-how and ingenuity to solve it now.

"The clock is running out for wildlife.

"The rising sea levels projected in this scientific report would devastate coastal wildlife habitat, and the human communities that depend on healthy wetlands, coastal barriers and natural buffers. More intense hurricanes, drought and other severe weather events summarized in this report will threaten the most vulnerable wildlife populations already struggling to survive. The acidification of the oceans that the scientists project is an unprecedented threat to marine life.

"The report also clarifies the link between global warming and recent droughts, storms and other extreme climate events. According to the report, the increase in intense hurricane activity is more likely than not being fueled in part by human activities and global warming.

"This report is the exclamation point on the scientific community's decades of research on global warming. It is the latest in a long series of warning signs from our natural world and from scientists. For example, the polar bear is being considered for Endangered Species Act protection because its habitat is melting.

Throughout America, global warming is harming wildlife. In Minnesota, heat-stressed moose are declining. In the West, critical snowpack that supplies cold water for trout streams and salmon runs is declining. Forest landscapes are being ravaged by unprecedented wildfires. As sea levels rise, coastal wetlands are being submerged.

"The report offers hope for avoiding the most dangerous impacts of global warming if we act now. The amount of pollution we pump into the atmosphere will be the deciding factor for our future. America can and should be a leader in this fight.

"The science of global warming may be complicated, but the solution is simple. We need to act now to turn around our growing dependency on oil and fossil fuels and set enforceable targets for reducing the global warming pollution that comes from these sources. If we start now by cutting global warming pollution by an average of about two percent per year and reduce emissions to 80 percent by mid-century, we can make a positive difference.

"Momentum is quickly building to reverse global warming pollution, around the country and in Washington. This report makes it clear that the time is now to turn that momentum into action."

The National Wildlife Federation is America's conservation organization inspiring Americans to protect wildlife for our children's future.

Immediate Release

February 2, 2007

Thursday, February 01, 2007

Daily Briefing - 2/1/07

The UN panel, meeting in Paris, placing the blame for global warming on humans. France is threatening the U.S. with a tax if we do not sign a climate pact. Al Gore has been nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize. Al Franken is now officially running for Senate in Minnesota. Senator Joe Biden said something off-the-cuff... again. Daylight savings has been moved up four weeks, and in helping out salmon migration the U.S. has ordered a strong modification of the Klamath River Dams in Washington.

There is also a very revealing interview in Grist with Frank Luntz, uber-spinmeister of the Republican party. The wordsmith behind the Contract with America and various campaigns, electoral and policy, answers questions about environmentalists, environmentalism, and the general state of messaging. In his candid interview, he refers to environmentalists as mean immediately after saying that environmentalism is well-thought of in America. He offers many enlightening thoughts, and for any person who considers themselves an environmentalist (or a conservationist, as Mr. Luntz would suggest you do) should find this interview to be quite eye-opening.


Daily Briefing – 2/1/07
641 days until the NEXT election… and global warming is an integral part of our nation’s agenda!

Key Issues in the News

Global Warming
- U.N. panel blames humans for warming
o Also from the Houston Chronicle
- The long consensus on climate change
- France to U.S.: Sign climate pact or be taxed!
- Al Gore: Nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize
- Warming may be making hurricanes stronger, says panel
- The reality finally begins to sink in
- Agreeing on why, but not necessarily how… hey, give the Senators a break, that’s a big accomplishment for them
- Putting the green machine in motion in Canada
o Is it a perfect storm?
- Democrats want to rise with middle class
- Senator Franken? He’s officially in.
Potential ‘08ers…
- Biden (insert: foot in mouth), Clinton (she’s got Bartlett convinced), Pataki (he’s a no-go, for now), McCain v. Giuliani (the fundraising battle), Giuliani (can he do it?), Edwards (hammering the President), Edwards again (will travel the world in the first 100 days), Huckabee (could move ahead of Brownback), Clinton again (squaring off with Edwards at AIPAC), Obama (decision set for the 10th), Romney (charging into NH)
Other News from the Media
- U.S. orders modification of Klamath River Dams, allowing passage for salmon
- ExxonMobil: Over $39 BILLION in profits last year. Poor guys, they probably shouldn’t pay the royalties they owe… oh wait
- USDA outlines a plan to cut farm subsidies
o Ag. Dept. urges a big overhaul in farm policy
- Oil spill hits Vietnam’s central coast
- Some are critical of U.S.’s new nuclear policy
- Army Corps of Engineers OK’s large strip mining project in WV
…and the Blogosphere
- The Caucus: Bush on Clinton and Obama
- Why not go nuclear?
- Grist:
o An interview with Republican pollster-extraordinaire Frank Luntz
o Rising sea-level
o Picking apart those annoying false equivalences
Miscellaneous… or just plain weird
- Molly Ivins passes away
- Did you know that Daylight Savings will be a month earlier this year? Yea, me neither
- Bomb threats in Boston? No, just some boxes left out for an upcoming ad campaign for a cartoon
- Malo Prime Minister
- “Too skinny!” says Posh Spice
- A rehash, of sorts, of the State of the Union
Quotes O’ the Day
This one’s for Exxon – “Honesty is a good thing, but it is not profitable to its possessor unless it is kept under control.” ~ Don Marquis

"In my dealings with them, they're mean. Some of the most personally nasty people come out of the environmental community." ~ Frank Luntz

Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Daily Briefing - 1/31/07

Yesterday was chock full of hearings, as resident "pit-bull" Henry Waxman, Chairman of the Government Oversight and Reform Committee, took on the White House and its manipulation of data. Uhhh, I'm going to move forward without comment on this one. Not to be outdone (by anyone, least of which the House), Senator Boxer held her own hearing on climate change setting a rather impressive agenda that seemed to have solid backing. (Note: All this positiveness falls apart once actual legislating begins.)

Internationally, the uber-leaked UN report will be officially released on Friday, preced by a planned 5 minute blackout of the Eiffel Tower. (No. Bad. French. Jokes... okay, moving on)

The Presidential wannabe list keeps growing, and now its compounded longwindedness just quadrupled. Senator Biden announced, and he did so by saying some not so nice things about his opponents... his Democratic opponents. Sheesh, play nice!

Along with the traditional media, the blogosphere had a lot to say regarding yesterday's hearings. Bah, no need for me to keep spouting off... on to the briefing!


Daily Briefing – 1/31/07
642 days until the NEXT election… and global warming is an integral part of our nation’s agenda!

Key Issues in the News

Global Warming
- The climate is changing, politically
- Scientists criticize White House policy in yesterday’s hearing
o Also from Financial Times, Chicago Tribune, Houston Chronicle, LA Times… even ESPN Outdoors
o Rep. Welch was stunned
o Committee website
- 1,000 years
o Eiffel Tower to go dark ahead of UN report
o Mulling a global summit to break the Kyoto impasse
- Not to be outdone by Rep. Waxman, Senator Boxer has a hearing too
o Klobuchar calls for action on behalf of Minnesotans
o Also from SF Chronicle
- The investigations are heating up
- More Minnesota action
- Polar explorer addresses lawmakers
Potential ‘08ers…
- Hagel (the case for), Biden (a full day of talking), Edwards (talking tough), Romney (not doing very well with the Jewish vote), Obama (changing his mind on setting a date), Biden again (and… he’s in, get ready for some verbosity!), Obama again (the secret of his appeal), Dodd (laughable? Ouch), Biden again again (uh-oh, he let his mouth go), Hagel again (the new John McCain?), Clark (edging closer to running), Obama again (Clintonian?)
- Who will Pelosi pick?
- Could the primaries be over too soon?
Other News from the Media
- Once a dream fuel, palm oil may be an eco-nightmare
- Feds to take wolves off endangered list
- Wall Street likes its tobacco
…and the Blogosphere
- Rothenberg: Rating the ‘07/08 Governor races
- RedState: Comparing Global Warming skeptics to Copernicus…or is it the other way around?
- Bush to Earth: Drop Dead (from TomPaine)
- Huffington post: UN predicts a global disaster
- Chris Mooney of ScienceBlogs gives us a breakdown of the Waxman hearing
o MotherJones and Huffington Post do too
- Grist:
o On farm subsidies
o Week of action on campus (not THAT kind of action, sheesh)
Miscellaneous… or just plain weird
- John Travolta: Mass-producers of GHGs
- When Josh Hartnett speaks, the world listens
- The Prince of Wales to build an eco-friendly mansion
- Woo! The Police are reuniting! More Roxanne, less Fields of Gold! Woo!
Quotes O’ the Day
“The truth is more important than the facts.” ~ Frank Lloyd Wright

"You're biased; you won't even let me talk" ~ Rep. Dennis Kucinich to Sean Hannity, who had just asked about liberal bias in the media

Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Daily Briefing - 1/30/07

We are witnessing an action filled day, today. With more and more reaction to UN Report, we are learning that even though scientists throughout the world are on the brink of broad consensus, 13% of Americans do no know what global warming is. The 110th may be trying to remedy this as hearings by Chairmen Waxman and Boxer kicked off today with strong words and pledges of action.

And that's just a taste... on to the briefing!


Daily Briefing – 1/30/07
643 days until the NEXT election… and global warming is an integral part of our nation’s agenda!

Key Issues in the News

Global Warming
- World scientists near consensus on global warming
- The 1st hearing of the 110th will be today
- UN Report confirms climate change is happening now
o Clouds a puzzle
o Effects could be seen in 10 years
o World leaders urged to act
o 13% of Americans have never heard of global warming. Get to work, Al!
- UN pushes for a world summit
- Waxman seeks climate inquiry evidence
o “Bush officials misled public
- Southern corals unlock clues
- May affect Indonesia isles
- “Pop” fights global warming with the Global Cool Foundation, nothing like sending a confusing message
- Bush directive increases sway on regulation
- Senators at Louisiana hearing criticize federal recovery aid
- Senate to consider minimum wage bill with tax breaks
o Looks like it will pass
- Politics vs. a pay-raise
- Franken goes exploring
Potential ‘08ers…
- Clinton (polling ahead of McCain, Giuliani in Ohio), Hutchison (VP candidate?), Romney (how he avoided campaign finance rules), Romney again (campaigning in SC), Clinton again (campaigning in Florida), McCain (gains support from ME Senators), Edwards (says inexperience held him back in ’04), Hagel (how is he brave?), Obama (Obamarama), Giuliani (gun policy on target), Obama again (criticizing pace of Katrina aid)
- Politico: GOP seeing lemons
Other News from the Media
- Finally doing something about CAFÉ standards: A faith-based fuel initiative
- In the Rockies pines die and bears feel it
- Social entrepreneurs at Davos
- Virginia Senators propose gas tax for road construction projects
…and the Blogosphere
- The Fix: Do Iowa and New Hampshire deserve to be first
- Feeling slighted at RedState
- MYDD: The MySpace primary
- Grist:
o Dispatches from the Step It Up campaign
o Profitable opportunities to save energy
o A defense of carbon offsets
o Renewable energy: Show me the money
Miscellaneous… or just plain weird
- Can humanity survive? Want to bet on it?
o Long Bets
- Oh that crazy ‘ic
- Hobbits were real!
- Stonehenge settlement found
- Umm, pudding awards?
- Ouch, when Jack says “no, thanks” you have officially been blacklisted
Quotes O’ the Day
“When a thing ceases to be a subject of controversy, it ceases to be a subject of interest.” ~William Hazlitt

Monday, January 29, 2007

Daily Briefing - 1/29/07

So it seems the report issued by the UN last week that said it is 90% certain humans are to blame for global warming and that the consequences will be dire was sugarcoated... at least according to some people. Um, wow. Well at least we have Silicon Valley and hedge fund tech barons on our side with regard to clean energy and green technologies. This leads us to an op-ed in the WSJ which bemoans the fact that corporate support for carbon emission caps is driven by money. Gasp! We can clean our air, halt global warming and make money too!?!? Ye gods, the horror!

With that, I leave you with the briefing.


Daily Briefing – 1/29/07
644 days until the NEXT election… and global warming is an integral part of our nation’s agenda!

Key Issues in the News

Global Warming
- Some experts blast latest climate report as sugarcoated
- Tech barons take on energy policy
- Why our CEOs are warming to Kyoto (hint: It involves money)
- The long road to energy independence
- Indonesia may lose 2,000 islands
- World scientists meet
- The new politics of global warming
- Washington wakes up
- Boston Globe editorial: When science isn’t
- Causing a species shift
- Montana delegation takes the middle ground
- Gov. Doyle (D-WI) proposes a task force
- The Webb phenomenon
- Beware the latest energy policy fix
- Women feeling freer to “vote for mom
- The 23 month campaign
- As deadline looms, Congress debates earmarks
- An interview with Sen. Schumer
Potential ‘08ers…
- Clinton (mixed reviews in Iowa, calls Bush reckless), Huckabee (announces), Biden (failed policy emboldens enemies), Romney (appeals to core audience), Obama (found political voice in law school), Giuliani (heads to NH, leaves rivals in shade), Hagel (rebel may run), McCain (gets Curt Schilling’s backing)
- A rundown from The Caucus on Huckabee, Biden, Clinton, Hunter, and Dodd
Other News from the Media
- The sum of all ears: why corn-based ethanol isn’t such a good solution
o Bush’s ethanol bid ignored by ExxonMobil
- Weighing the consequences of telling others the truth
- Silicon Valley rebounds, led by green technology
- Nuclear power gets a second look in Europe
…and the Blogosphere
- RCP: Rothenberg says the Democrats didn’t get a surge in the Mountain West
- The Caucus: Congress, one-stop spending bill
- At Captain’s Quarters, they’re urging bloggers not to identify with any one candidate for now
- MYDD: Will Nevada matter?
- RFK Jr.: Exposing ExxonMobil
- Grist:
o College sustainability report card
o They want Al to run
Miscellaneous… or just plain weird
- Google halts “miserable failure” link to President Bush
- Congressman-Priest Drinan dies
- I don’t know if this Prince would be called Fresh, but he was in Philly nonetheless
- Air America rescued
- Oldest person dies at 114
- Colbert Day for Oshawa
Quotes O’ the Day
“Adventure is just bad planning.” ~ Roald Amundsen