Monday, January 29, 2007

Daily Briefing - 1/29/07

So it seems the report issued by the UN last week that said it is 90% certain humans are to blame for global warming and that the consequences will be dire was sugarcoated... at least according to some people. Um, wow. Well at least we have Silicon Valley and hedge fund tech barons on our side with regard to clean energy and green technologies. This leads us to an op-ed in the WSJ which bemoans the fact that corporate support for carbon emission caps is driven by money. Gasp! We can clean our air, halt global warming and make money too!?!? Ye gods, the horror!

With that, I leave you with the briefing.


Daily Briefing – 1/29/07
644 days until the NEXT election… and global warming is an integral part of our nation’s agenda!

Key Issues in the News

Global Warming
- Some experts blast latest climate report as sugarcoated
- Tech barons take on energy policy
- Why our CEOs are warming to Kyoto (hint: It involves money)
- The long road to energy independence
- Indonesia may lose 2,000 islands
- World scientists meet
- The new politics of global warming
- Washington wakes up
- Boston Globe editorial: When science isn’t
- Causing a species shift
- Montana delegation takes the middle ground
- Gov. Doyle (D-WI) proposes a task force
- The Webb phenomenon
- Beware the latest energy policy fix
- Women feeling freer to “vote for mom
- The 23 month campaign
- As deadline looms, Congress debates earmarks
- An interview with Sen. Schumer
Potential ‘08ers…
- Clinton (mixed reviews in Iowa, calls Bush reckless), Huckabee (announces), Biden (failed policy emboldens enemies), Romney (appeals to core audience), Obama (found political voice in law school), Giuliani (heads to NH, leaves rivals in shade), Hagel (rebel may run), McCain (gets Curt Schilling’s backing)
- A rundown from The Caucus on Huckabee, Biden, Clinton, Hunter, and Dodd
Other News from the Media
- The sum of all ears: why corn-based ethanol isn’t such a good solution
o Bush’s ethanol bid ignored by ExxonMobil
- Weighing the consequences of telling others the truth
- Silicon Valley rebounds, led by green technology
- Nuclear power gets a second look in Europe
…and the Blogosphere
- RCP: Rothenberg says the Democrats didn’t get a surge in the Mountain West
- The Caucus: Congress, one-stop spending bill
- At Captain’s Quarters, they’re urging bloggers not to identify with any one candidate for now
- MYDD: Will Nevada matter?
- RFK Jr.: Exposing ExxonMobil
- Grist:
o College sustainability report card
o They want Al to run
Miscellaneous… or just plain weird
- Google halts “miserable failure” link to President Bush
- Congressman-Priest Drinan dies
- I don’t know if this Prince would be called Fresh, but he was in Philly nonetheless
- Air America rescued
- Oldest person dies at 114
- Colbert Day for Oshawa
Quotes O’ the Day
“Adventure is just bad planning.” ~ Roald Amundsen


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