Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Daily Briefing - 1/17/07

My apologies for the long absence. Nonetheless, we are back.

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Daily Briefing – 1/17/07
656 days until the NEXT election… and global warming is an integral part of our nation’s agenda!

Key Issues in the News

Global Warming
- Evangelicals and Scientists unite on global warming… scaring the crap out of Republicans
o Also from Houston Chronicle and Kansas City Star
- President to outline global warming policy in State of the Union
o Better Late than Never, says the Concord Monitor
o Top investor sees Bush embracing biofuels
o According to the Financial Times, the White House denies the u-turn
- UN leader urged to lead global climate change plans
- Sen. Bernie Sanders reintroduces legislation that seeks deep cuts in emissions
o Also from The Hill
- Americans speak out about climate change… but is Washington listening?
- GE to tackle global warming
- Connecting the global warming dots
- Moratorium on An Inconvenient Truth sparks controversy
- The warming of Greenland
- Human Events proposes renaming The Weather Channel, the Al Gore Channel… and calls America insane. I’m surprised, they’re usually so subtle.
First 100 Hours: Energy
- Democrats drying up oil industry tax breaks
- Carl Pope: Big Change, not big oil
- Philadelphia Inquirer: Plugging a leak
- A first step toward a new energy policy
- Why Texans should be for a rollback of oil subsidies, by NWF’s own Susan Kaderka
- Senator Webb picked to give Democrats’ response to State of the Union
- The Doctor eyes a comeback
Potential ‘08ers…
- Obama (he’s in), Edwards (denies picking fight with Clinton), McCain (looking for support on Christian right), Dodd (introduces troop cap), Clinton (agrees with Dodd), Hagel (support from the Huffington Post), Tancredo (starts his bid)
- Gender and race make ’08 field historic
Other News from the Media
- Conservation group, unions joining forces
- Brazil gambles on monitoring Amazon loggers
- Environmental rules waived for border fence
- Rolling Stone: Big Coal’s dirty move
…and the Blogosphere
- National Review’s opinion on the CLEAN Energy Act
- The Caucus on the blogosphere’s reaction to Obama’s announcement
- The Fix likes Obama’s team
- MYDD has a catalogue of the free media race
- DC wasn’t built on a swamp!!
- Grist:
o Bill McKibben: One step closer
o It must be opposite day as Ted Stevens delights enviros and Obama disappoints
o Craig Venter and his microbes
Miscellaneous… or just plain weird
- Hickory-dickory-dock… Andrew Dice Clay gets his own reality show
- Weapons of mass destruction located in Syria… ancient ones… from a battle over 5500 years ago.
- Escaped chimp gets snack, cleans bathroom
Quotes O’ the Day
"I woke up one morning and I was quite hung over," Cohen said. "I accidentally shaved my mustache off, and I had no choice." ~ Sacha Baron Cohen on why he resumed his own persona, instead of his alter ego Borat


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