Daily Briefing - 12/19/06
There is much hubbub over An Inconvenient Truth being shown in classrooms. Laurie David tried to send 50,000 copies to the National Science Teachers Association. They refused as to not upset certain related groups. Nonetheless, teachers across the land are lining up to get a free copy from Ms. David and show it to their class. A writer over at RedState looks at this with disdain (by jove! really?!). While students in Bermuda and people in Kodiak, Alaska are wondering how they can help fight global warming.
E.J. Dionne of the Washington Post has an intriguing op-ed detailing the shift in American political ideology. He observes that the signal of the shift is seen in youth voting patterns, noting large under 30 turnout for Reagan in '84 and for Democrats in '06. Elswhere around Washington, Speaker Pelosi is tabbing more people for leadership posts, including Congressman Van Hollen (D-MD) as the new DCCC chair.
The Washington Post leads with an analysis of the problems Mayor Giuliani will face in the primary. Nonetheless, he ties Sen. Clinton in a poll released yesterday, while Sen. McCain loses to her. In what can only be a good move for a candidate, Gov. Tom Vilsack (D-IA) went on The Daily Show and held his own. I imagine just about every serious candidate will take on Stewart or Colbert in some way throughout the campaign.
Down in Louisiana, the Army Corps continues to draw criticism from scientists for its poor proposals to fix the levee systems in the Gulf. Across the nation to Hawaii, an archipelago rich with diverse species is struggling to survive. Sadly, the effects of global warming will only lessen the likelihood of survival for them as well as the 52 new species found on the island of Borneo.
Finally, Congratualtions! YOU are Time Magazine's Person of the Year. I do not think they could have chosen a more articulate, intelligent, funny, good-looking, and vague person.
On to the briefing...
Daily Briefing – 12/19/06
685 days until the NEXT election… and global warming is an integral part of our nation’s agenda!
Key Issues in the News
Global Warming
- Emissions rise despite vow made to curb them in 2001
- Environment Northeast offers roadmap to curb warming
- Washington Post special report: An emerging topic for teachers
- An Inconvenient Truth riling up Bermuda students
- Grist’s how to talk to a skeptic: Global warming is part of a natural cycle and its nothing new
- Grist: Top Ten Climate Stories of 2006
- New Zealand global warming scientists set drilling record in Antarctica
- Kodiakans search for solutions
- The “Real America” redefined
- Speaker Pelosi names more leaders
- Sens. Clinton and Ensign: An Oil Trust for Iraq
- Rep. Van Hollen to be the next DCCC Chair
- Sen. Johnson will be back to work, sooner rather than later, according to son
Potential ‘08ers…
- Giuliani (a primary problem), Clinton (adds another top operative), Giuliani again (gets some snarky support), Romney (view of immigration policy hasn’t changed), McCain (tapping Bush donors), Brownback (removes controversial block of judicial nominee), Vilsack (taking on Stewart), Huckabee (gets a little verbal support from Sen. Lincoln (D-AR)), Kerry and Dodd (meet with Lebanese leaders), Obama (Draft Obama campaign producing ad), Gingrich (getting pasted by CATO), Clinton again (edging out McCain, ties Giuliani in poll)
- GOP hopefuls eyeing Texas cash
Other News from the Media
- Corps proposal for Gulf draws criticism from scientists
- A struggle to preserve Hawaiian archipelago and its varied wildlife
- Scientists have discovered 52 new species on the island of Borneo
…and the Blogosphere
- Bob McKay of Huffington Post gets a little confused about climate change, but offers a good critique of skeptic distortions
- RedState on Laurie David’s giveaway of An Inconvenient Truth to teachers
- TomPaine on renewable energy
- From Grist:
o On wrapping paper
o Central America and biofuels
- MYDD: Targeting 50 Republican House Seats
Miscellaneous… or just plain weird
- Al Gore caught warming the globe to increase box office products
- Miss USA’s going to rehab
- Faculty, administrators, and staff are fighting to prevent the Bush Presidential Library from being located at SMU
- Founder and CEO of Facebook turns down $1.6 BILLION from Yahoo!
- YOU are Time Magazine’s Person of the Year. I want a recount, I think I was more deserving, or maybe she was…how about them?
Quotes O’ the Day
“When history looks back at the actions of this president and the decisions he made regarding this war, you will go down as the most incompetent American people of all time. Deal with it!" ---Stephen Colbert
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