Daily Briefing - 3/7/07: Sports and Global Warming, Scooter Libby, and Impeachment
Man, the sections on '08 candidates just keeps growing...
Daily Briefing – 3/7/07
607 days until the NEXT election… and global warming is an integral part of our nation’s agenda!
Key Issues in the News
Global Warming
- Sports Illustrated: Sports would, and do, gain from going… going…. green!
- IUCN: Women fighting climate change (including NWF’s Patty Glick)
- EU urged to lead
- Experts advise President of the European Commission, Joes Manuel Barroso
- Automakers to fight CA global warming suit
- Minnesota greenhouse gas plan advances
- Reaching Mount Everest
- Global warming and grizzlies
- Tony Blankley: Global warming as a religion and Al Gore and his remissions
- Libby is convicted, faces jail
o For Cheney, political toll may follow
o Guess the pardon date, win a T-shirt!
- Vermont votes to impeach Bush/Cheney
Potential ‘08ers…
- Obama (man of the world), Edwards (snaring some Vilsack supporters), Obama again (rallying in Iowa), Clinton (endorsed by NH House Maj Leader), Giuliani (hawking for votes in Iowa), Obama again again (loves Beyonce), Edwards again (denounces attacks), Hagel (showing his hand?), Giuliani again (will not reach a deal with pro-lifers), Obama for one last time (likes the JFK comparisons), McCain (staffers jump ship after unplanned announcement on Letterman),
- Michigan looks to push its primary date up, bring the automobile industry to the forefront
Other News from the Media
- Venture capitalists want to put some algae in your tank
- The latest trend in ethanol… coal
- A biological hotspot in Africa
- Breathing easier in Thailand: The battle for blue skies pays off
- Preserving land and wildlife to preserve the Afghan identity
- Plug-in hybrids for a sustainable future
…and the Blogosphere
- The Fix: Parsing the polls on the democrats
- RedState: The latest dumb idea from the separatist right… conservapedia
- TomPaine: A greener farm bill
- Grist:
o The civil war among evangelicals
o Who’s counting the carbon?
o On local currencies
o Mitigation v. adaptation
Miscellaneous… or just plain weird
- The earliest solar observatory in the Americas
- Borat seen as human rights victim
- Jenna Bush writes book for teens
Quotes O’ the Day
“Fleas can be taught nearly anything that a congressman can.” ~ Mark Twain
Labels: 2008, climate change, election, global warming, politics, scooter libby
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