Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Daily Briefing - 2/28/07

A day or so ago, a group called the Tennesee Center for Policy Research ran a piece calling Al Gore a hypocrite for using a large amount of energy while preaching conservation and use of clean energy. As it turns out numerous sources, including the AP double checked their work and found that their story including solid inaccuracies in their numbers and a rather blatant political tint. This group ran this story without mention of Mr. Gore's investment in clean energy (this is why his bills are so high, Mr. Drudge), carbon offsets (to pay for his inordinate amount of travel along with home energy use), and the simple notion that his job of educating people throughout the world serves in itself as an offset.

It is also pertinent to note that this "think tank" has been discredited by the Tennessee Department of Taxation as an "illegitimate organization," is funded in part by a foundation that also funds the Competitive Enterprise Institute (among the most blatant of global warming deniers), and employs as its president a man who has worked for the American Enterprise INstitute (who recently offered $10,000 to "debunk" the IPCC climate report) and written for the National Review and Human Events (which currently employs Ann Coulter).

Just a guess, but I think this piece was politically charged.


Daily Briefing – 2/28/07
614 days until the NEXT election… and global warming is an integral part of our nation’s agenda!

Key Issues in the News
Global Warming
- Climate panel recommends global temperature ceiling and carbon tax
o Conservation may limit global warming
o The debate is over, it’s time to act
- EU can offer US ideas
- Scientists urge global action on clean energy
- New evidence that warming fuels stronger Atlantic hurricanes
- Senator Clinton offers a Senate version of H.R. 6
- Governor Corzine to testify before the Senate EPM committee tomorrow
- Oregon Secretary of State to discuss global warming
- Skeptics to congregate in Australia
- Mark Warner considers a run for the Senate
- Bob Ney, original proponent of the term “freedom fries,” goes to jail tomorrow
- Senator Kerry gets his chance to hammer a “swift boat” donor
- Members of Congress as a boss: Demanding or downright mean?
Potential ‘08ers…
- Obama (black vote shifting to him), Romney (this camp is a bit leaky), Gore (Maureen Dowd smells a sequel), Gore again (David Remnick on what could have been and what can still be), Gilmore (would be the first President blogger), Clinton (pushing car safety), Clinton again (on her energy bill), Edwards (on Hillary’s turf), Giuliani (raising money in Vegas… sadly, not the old fashioned way), Giuliani (gosh darnit, he IS a conservative!), McCain (trying immigration again), Romney (a France complex?), Fred Thompson (Hotline looks into the Draft Fred movement), Huckabee (some pushing for him to run for Senate)
Other News from the Media
- Yikes. That stock market “blip” yesterday resulted in a worldwide loss of roughly $3 trillion in equity. Here’s hoping for a solid rebound
- Economy grows slower than expected
- On that ridiculous report about Al Gore and his apparently luxurious use of energy… well, it’s pretty much debunked
- RFK Jr.: Bush Administration environmental policies are a science fiction nightmare
- Stewart Brand: Embracing New Heresies
o David Roberts has a rebuttal
…and the Blogosphere
- Checking out some polls over at MYDD
- RedState: Thinking the GOP nominee may not be running at the moment
- TomPaine: Energy blast on Capitol Hill
- DailyKos: Live-blogging the Senate hearing on America’s Energy Future
- Grist:
o On conservative conservationists
o Sustainability and IKEA
Miscellaneous… or just plain weird
- Woohoo! Tiger Woods is coming to DC
- Adam Sandler better update the Hanukkah song, because he may have an addition
- Army wants Jack Bauer to condemn torture… they asked Homer Simpson to condemn beer drinking, but he declined.
- Oh my, somebody go check on G. Gordon Liddy
- A male biological clock? Interesting…
Quotes O’ the Day
"You can't talk honestly about the environment today ... without being critical of the president," ~ Robert F. Kennedy Jr.


At 8:38 PM, Blogger James Aach said...

Stewart Brand's comments and David Roberts' rebuttal discuss nuclear energy. Mr. Brand has also been kind enough to endorse my entertaining look at nuclear power for the lay person - the novel "Rad Decision". Available online at no cost to readers or in paperback. I've worked in the US nuclear industry for over twenty years.

"I'd like to see Rad Decision widely read." - Stewart Brand

At 3:53 PM, Blogger concerned heart said...

There certainly is a male biological clock and I believe ignoring it up there with ignoring global warming.

There is an reason why there are more children with neurologically based genetic difficulties today.

Beginning between 33-35 genetic abnormalies in sperm increase and the damaged sperm seem not to eliminated as well as in men under 35.


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