Daily Briefing - 3/6/07: Polar Bears, Motorized Decoys, Global Warming, and the "Election on Steroids"
There was a solid showing and generally positive response last night at the public hearing on listing the polar bear as an endangered/threatened species. Most of the people in attendance were in support of the listing, the few opposed represented oil and gas interests as well as some hunting groups.
Hopefully, we'll get a more in-depth overview posted a little later today.
Daily Briefing – 3/6/07
608 days until the NEXT election… and global warming is an integral part of our nation’s agenda!
Key Issues in the News
Global Warming
- Government hears polar bear concerns
o Rep. Inslee: Global warming putting bears at risk
o Alaska officials question the science
- Dingell warns of a climate fight
- Living lightly on the grid and fighting global warming from home
- Local voices will be heard
- Some coral reefs resist global warming
- Taipei Times: The greening of Bush may help US regain global influence
o Gratefully, NWF and our Chairman of the Board, Jerome Ringo is mentioned… but he’s sited as our President. Oh well…
- The American Consumer Institute favors a carbon tax
- Lobbying bill sparks populist uprising on both sides
Potential ‘08ers…
- Obama (a map for a new march), Giuliani (the curmudgeon), Giuliani again (sells his bank), Romney (a rehab plan?), Obama again (globamania… come on, how far are we gonna go with these stupid names?), Clinton (planning a major appeal to women), Edwards (on the influence of faith), Romney again (launches a Spanish radio ad),
- Minnestoa DFL to hold straw poll
- The Caucus: Off the news, the show goes on
- A MEGAPRIMARY… with New York being the frontloader of the day
Other News from the Media
- The big green fuel lie
- Conservationists issue Western energy agenda
- CRP and biofuels are not mutually exclusive, from NWF’s own Julie Sibbing
- Motorized decoys could be laid to rest
- NOLA refuge naturalist wins LWF conservation award
- Ten things wrong with sprawl
…and the Blogosphere
- Open Congress: Fired U.S. attorneys tell all
- The Fix: Can Rudy win?
- TomPaine: Green, efficient excess
- Grist:
o Coal to liquid: Not Cool
o David Roberts’ linkfest
Miscellaneous… or just plain weird
- Wall Street named historic site
- The [Bio]DaVersity Code
- Kids get fatter in the summer… ahem, I think this is a good time to plug No Child Left Inside
o Shaq is helping too
- Wow. Rarely do we see the true importance of journalism, but I think this woman embodies it
Quotes O’ the Day
“For the first time in my history, my community has had to use air conditioners. Imagine that, air conditioners in the Arctic.”-- Inuit leader Sheila Watt-Cloutier.
Labels: climate change, election, environment, global warming, polar bears, politics
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