Thursday, March 01, 2007

Daily Briefing - 3/1/07

In like lion...


Daily Briefing – 3/1/07
613 days until the NEXT election… and global warming is an integral part of our nation’s agenda!

Key Issues in the News
Global Warming
- Scientists turn attention to world’s poles
- Canadian Inuit leader and activist given a hearing
- U.S. C.A.P. looking forward to a cap-and-trade policy
- Ants may help us adjust… maybe we can take their super-duper strength too
- Governor Corzine to testify today
- 60% of Tennesseans believe global warming has a serious effect
- Union of Concerned Scientists sticks it to automakers by building an affordable car minivan that meets or surpasses all global warming standards
- Gore: Media missing the message, promoting balance over consensus
- Former Canadian Defense Minister: UFO science is the key
- Rescinding the Bush Doctrine (I’m mainly posting this because the guy who wrote this was one of my favorite professors)
- White House threatens to veto 9/11 bill
- Republican Main Street Partnership and Club for Growth may join together
Potential ‘08ers…
- McCain (he’s in… by announcing on Letterman), Giuliani (on those judges), Edwards (more of a fundraising prowess than he lets on?), Romney (seeking to regain momentum on the right), Giuliani again (Time poll shows his lead widening), Gingrich (a favorite of Citizens United), McCain again (Californians are jumping on board), Obama again (to speak to AIPAC), Newt vs. Hillary (I guess he was jealous Barack got the first dig in), Clinton (raised #1 million in a week), Edwards again (“pro-gay”), McCain again again (rejects CPAC invite), Gore (act very much together)
- Novak: GOP has a void on the right
Other News from the Media
- Historian Arthur Schlesinger dies
- Another day, another morning with a volatile stock market
- 6 companies receive grants to support bio-refineries
- South Africa considers culling elephants
- Interior Department looks to recoup lost oil and gas royalties
…and the Blogosphere
- Capitol Briefing’s Meet the Bosses: Rep. John Spratt
- The Hotline gives a preview of the Spartanburg straw poll
- Grist:
o On the SEGCCSD report
o The challenges faced on going organic and fair trade
o On Senator Clinton’s energy bill
Miscellaneous… or just plain weird
- Leo to play Teddy Roosevelt in next Scorcese film?
- The Governator to return in a Terminator 4?
- Stephen Hawking to ride on the “vomit comet
Quotes O’ the Day
"I would assess this administration's record on global warming as terrible."
--Sen. John McCain R-AZ


At 2:05 PM, Blogger JN said...

R.I.P Arthur, you will be missed.


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