Daily Briefing - 2/22/07
McCain assails Bush on global warming. NYU Republicans assail "illegal immigrants." All in a day's work.
Daily Briefing – 2/22/07
620 days until the NEXT election… and global warming is an integral part of our nation’s agenda!
Key Issues in the News
Global Warming
- Great forests hold fateful role
- Washington Post Special Section: The Threat of Climate Change
- Duke Energy Corporation tackles global warming
- McCain endorses California’s global warming program, says it should be the national model
- It’s all about the light bulbs
- It’s all in your head
- Greatest economic and environmental threat, says Irish Minister of Foreign Affairs
- Married women outnumber single women at the voting booth year after year
- Governor Barkley?
Potential ‘08ers…
- Edwards (needles Clinton), Obama (rallying the crowds in LA), Giuliani (a Catholic problem?), Brownback (taking on video-game ratings), Clinton (courting the teachers’ vote), Giuliani (playing up the 9/11 image), McCain (slams Bush on global warming and Iraq), Obama again (calls for repeal of Bush tax cuts), Romney (some turnaround), Obama again again (endorsed by Daschle),
- Politeness falling to infighting
- The first forum
Other News from the Media
- Boston University professors petition for energy awareness on campus
- Top 5 U.S. cities for CleanTech Incubation Clusters (umm, basically clean technology in the city)
- National Geographic has a fantastic new tool that charts urban sprawl and smart growth
- Access to clean air unequal
…and the Blogosphere
- Fair and balanced?
- CEQ sued for documents on global warming
- Drought and wildlife singe Inhofe’s backyard
- Grist:
o Debunking the “AlGoreHasAHumongousCarbonFootprint” argument
o The MOMMIE awards (Masters of Making Mercury in the Environment)
Miscellaneous… or just plain weird
- A nearly 1000 lb squid caught in New Zealand
- Advertising for confession? No no, it’s not Dr. Phil, it’s your local church!
- It’s catch-an-illegal-immigrant day for NYU republicans
Quotes O’ the Day
”We abuse land because we regard it as a commodity belonging to us. When we see land as a community to which we belong, we may begin to use it with love and respect.” ~Aldo Leopold
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