Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Daily Briefing - 2/24/07

Philadelphia Phillies' rising star second baseman Chase Utley has come out in the fight against global warming. We may need him and his recently signed large contract, as a panel reported to the UN that it will likely cost tens of billions of dollars to succeed.

Brief away!


Daily Briefing – 2/27/07
615 days until the NEXT election… and global warming is an integral part of our nation’s agenda!

Key Issues in the News
Global Warming
- UN: Tens of billions needed
o Nations must invest in clean energy
- Western states agree to cut greenhouse gases
o Targeting global warming
o Oregon utilities back national plan
- Dingell: Congress tackling global warming dilemma
- Global warming’s increased financial relevance
o Banning new coal plants will slow warming (also from MSNBC)
- National Review on conservative conservation
- India projected as worst victim of climate change
- Rwanda: Global warming threat to man
- Philadelphia Phillies second baseman speaks out
- Al Gore: An Oscar for His Second Act
- Pelosi falls short on election promises
o And a rebuttal
- Schwarzenegger: Schmoozing will save America
- Governor Patrick (D-MA) at the Apollo Alliance
- Politico: In Michigan Democrats environmental agenda hits the skids
Potential ‘08ers…
- Clinton v. Obama (dueling speeches), Dodd (interview with MYDD), Hagel (would consider a “hybrid” ticket), Giuliani (wisdom for free), Romney (just call him “Pip”), Sanford (the GOP alternative?), Brownback (lavishing attention on SC), Clinton (a bundle of good moves), Edwards (treaty with Iran possible), Giuliani again (checking those foreign policy cred), McCain (firm on Iraq), McCain again (a happy warrior), Obama (finding friends in Ohio), Romney (the CEO candidate), Obama again (oh that pesky smoking habit), Hunter (may have violated some laws), Brownback again (working hard to get attention), Biden (looking to repeal… not something stupid he said, the 2002 authorization), Gore (in how many languages shall he say no?)
- Age important to voters, race… not so much
- Their favorite movies. Giuliani’s is Godfather… surprise, surprise
Other News from the Media
- Wildlife refuges lack means to survive
- Vanishing bees?
- Some people are looking towards the previously –thought-to-be useless jatropha bush for energy
…and the Blogosphere
- OpenCongress: CBO releases its budget report
- National Review: Barack Obama is George W. Bush ala his 2000 campaign
- The Caucus: Fundraising at full bore
- Economist: What about Al?
- Grist:
o A dispatch from the Step It Up campaign
o Will Arnold challenge Boxer?
Miscellaneous… or just plain weird
- Senate may regulate tobacco
- And how many of these jokes will we have to endure?
- Something we are all interested in… Al Gore’s iTunes playlist! (Editor’s note: Solid choices, Al… seriously solid.)
Quotes O’ the Day
"It's good to have a second career." ~ White House Press Secretary Tony Snow on Al Gore
"Any lowering of emissions they achieved with the limos was canceled out by the amount of smoke they blew up Al Gore's ass" ~ Stephen Colbert, on Oscar celebs using hybrid limos


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