Thursday, February 15, 2007

Daily Briefing - 2/15/07

We are welcomed with a glut of global warming articles today. Not the least of which is lead by a group consisting of U.S. Senators, corporate moguls, and others publicly urging the U.S. to take the lead in fighting global warming. This follows the sage advice Sir Nicholas Stern gave the Senate Energy Committee on Tuesday, saying that China and India are moving in the right direction but leadership from the U.S. will push them further.

Other articles include an interesting analysis from the MIT Technology Review on the progress we are making in measuring uncertainty in climate change, Al Gore announcing a concert series of mammoth proportions, and Inuits angry that their way of life has been destroyed thanks to global warming.

All that and more in the briefing...


Daily Briefing – 2/15/07
627 days until the NEXT election… and global warming is an integral part of our nation’s agenda!

Key Issues in the News

Global Warming
- Senators, moguls, and policy experts urge U.S. to lead
o Also from The Hindu, MSNBC
- The debate is shifting, as skeptics are finding promoting their skepticism harder
- Climate change’s cold economics
- It’s all about energy
- MIT Technology Review: Measuring the uncertainty of climate change
- Study questions prospects for much lower emissions
- Blair looking to build consensus on climate change
- Canada’s House backs steep emissions cuts
- Gore to announce concert series today
- Inuits accuse US of destroying their way of life
- The left prefers hot air over debate
- Some lovely snark (I sure hope it is snark) from Human Events
- Robert Novak: A Republican Lack of Will
- Democrats sizing up Castle’s seat in ‘08
- Al Franken to take on Senator Coleman
o Here’s his announcement video
- Rep. Davis throws hat in Virginia Senate race
Potential ‘08ers…
- Hunter (George Will says he’s a long shot), Obama (has a backer in Gov. Kaine), Clinton (David Brooks says there’s no need to apologize), Giuliani (removing any lingering doubts), McCain (leading the chase for Senate support), Edwards (would cap troop spending), Romney (claiming outsider status), Giuliani again (his new social conservativism)
- Jonah Goldberg: Maybe a Democrat Should Win
- David Broder: Where candidates start
- GOP hopes to catch a wave in California
Other News from the Media
- Oil lobbyist buys home with Justice Dept. official months before being granted leeway on back fines
- Green changes sweeping the B.C. province
- Understanding the China energy market
…and the Blogosphere
- National Journal’s White House 2008 Rankings
- Mother Jones: What’s with the love affair with cars
- MYDD has a democratic straw poll up and running
- Economist: A Freudian approach to climate change
- Grist:
o Convincing people to turn the lights off
o Handicapping West Coast climate policies
Miscellaneous… or just plain weird
- Barchelle? Are you kidding me?
- Ted Stevens: Ban Wikipedia… I had to put this down here because, well, it fits.
- Think you can fall 12,000 feet, hitting the ground at 80mph and live? Well, this guy did.
- Climate skeptic goes on The Daily Show
- Beware the PB&J
- Four more years of Keith Olbermann
- Rush Limbaugh tells Senator Obama to be white
Quotes O’ the Day
"Senator Joseph Lieberman said Tuesday that Congress should consider war-on-terrorism taxes. Or, as they are currently known...taxes." ~ Seth Meyers


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