Daily Briefing - 2/20/07
The NRCC received donations from an accused terrorist. The NRCC has given money to certain global warming skeptics in Congress. Therefore, terrorists fund global warming skeptics. (Is that false logic?)
Daily Briefing – 2/20/07
622 days until the NEXT election… and global warming is an integral part of our nation’s agenda!
Key Issues in the News
Global Warming
- EU plans to cut emissions 20% by 2020
- $25 million for a climate backup plan
- Industry heat on global warming
- Scientist encouraged by public understanding
- World’s largest general scientific society calls global warming a threat to society
o And they plan to push the Administration to action
- Last year was the warmest in China since 1951
- Some turtles are at risk
- Arctic explorer to highlight global warming with Baffin Island expedition
- Will Arnold’s dam plan help fight climate change, or make it worse
- Miami fishing captain spreads the Gore gospel to the boating community, with a little help from NWf's Jerry Karnas
o Also in Florida news, the city of Melbourne looks to ratify the U.S. Mayors Climate Protection Agreement
- Following the life of an Freshman Member of Congress
- Accused terrorist is big GOP donor
Potential ‘08ers…
- McCain (Rumsfeld was one of the worst), Romney (oh so talented), McCain again (endorsed by Thune), Obama (reshaping politics in Texas), Clinton (William F. Buckley wants to know who she is), Edwards (the evolution), Obama again (in LA for votes), Edwards again (populist theme redux), Gore (he may not be running, but he’s “walking fast”), Vilsack (received farm subsidies), Dodd (finishes fourth in home state poll), Biden (the mouth that soars), Obama again again (more on his blackness), Romney again (defending stem cell opposition), Hunter (blasts Iraq debate, pushes better trade deals), Kucinich (opposes a water bottling plant in NH), Paul (he’s got the hemp vote), Richardson (shutting down Guantanamo and getting out of Iraq)
Other News from the Media
- The problems in modeling nature
- Hybrids and HOV lanes in California
- Guilt-free pollution
- How to get Wall Street to hug a tree
…and the Blogosphere
- RCP: What John McCain needs
- John Derbyshire on religion and politics
- Is Clark running?
- RedState: A climate of tyranny
- Grist:
o Emissions trading: Mixed record with plenty of failures
o Hollygood
o Leiserowitz and risk perception
o Bill McKibben: Warning on Warming
Miscellaneous… or just plain weird
- Gloriously getting rich in the land of Mao
- Real-life Armageddon?
- Sheryl Crow and Laurie David to launch global warming college tour
- Prince Harry going to Iraq?
- A Washington guide to late night comedy circuit
Quotes O’ the Day
“Without controls on global warming pollution "you can be sure that the economy will go down the drain in the next 30 years."” ~ Paul Volcker, former Chair, U.S. Federal Reserve Board
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