Daily Briefing - 2/14/07
It snowed up and down the east coast. That must mean that global warming is a hoax. That's what Stephen Colbert says, at least.
Daily Briefing – 2/14/07
630 days until the NEXT election… and global warming is an integral part of our nation’s agenda!
Key Issues in the News
Global Warming
- McCain and Lieberman: The Turning Point on Global Warming
- Even aggressive action will not stop near-term climate change
- Energy CEOs encourage emissions caps
- Congress urged to act fast by economists
o Also from Fox News
- NASA: Warmer future brings more droughts
- Subjecting science to politics
- Blair, Merkel call for summit
- Groups sue to protect walrus and polar bears
- Catholic Online: Time to act
- Boston-based group targets firms
o Environmentalist shareholders criticize 10 firms
- Science and religion unite
- Boxer commends U.S. CAP executives
- Gov. Corzine wants big changes in NJ to attack global warming
- Rep. Charlie Norwood (R-GA) dies
- Trouble for DC representation?
- Senate Democrats introduce “Restoring the Constitution Act”
Potential ‘08ers…
- Romney (he’s in), Romney again (oh that tricky Mormon question), Edwards (second controversial blogger quits), Clinton (seeing the ghost of Ed Muskie), Obama (in vogue), Clinton again (Rove fears her), Giuliani (assessing his flaws… back in ’93), Giuliani again (stumping in California), Vilsack (hammering out an energy policy), McCain (won’t announce on 3/12), Gingrich (here he comes), McCain again (courting Christian conservatives), Obama again (ideas finally getting some air time)
- The perils of celebrity campaigns
- InTrade; Odds are, they’ll know the winner
- GOP debate at the Reagan library on May 3rd
Other News from the Media
- Agriculture Department violates law in seed case
- Companies pressed to define green policies
- Vaquita porpoise facing extinction
- Popular Mechanic: The best in green design
…and the Blogosphere
- The Caucus: DSCC will start running ads against Sens. Sununu and Smith on Friday
- TomPaine.com: Energy research for all
- A new blog on greening the US economy, Turning the Ship
- Grist:
o The $10,000 question
o Not a fan of 24
Miscellaneous… or just plain weird
- Chrysler cutting 13,000 jobs in North America
- English Springer Spaniel wins Best in Show at Westminster
- .Kansas Board of Education throws out standards that are hostile to evolution
Quotes O’ the Day
“I am not young enough to know everything.” ~Oscar Wilde
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