Wednesday, May 23, 2007

The Briefing - 5/23/07: Global Carbon Emissions, Al Gore, and Invasive Species

Carbon emissions are increasing exponentially, Republican Governors are pestering the Bush Administration to do something, and we've got two Senators pushing for drilling in the Arctic. Sheesh.


The Briefing – 5/23/07
530 days until the NEXT election… and global warming is an integral part of our nation’s agenda!

Politics, Politicians, Elections, and Electoral Mayhem
The (supposedly) Presidential ’08 Crowd
- Giuliani: An abortion muddle?; Above the McCain-Romney fray;
- McCain: Assails Romney on immigration; Turns focus to fundraising
- Richardson: Kurtz wonders why no one is paying attention to him;
- Edwards: Discussing diplomacy and military policy; An easy mark?
- Gore: He’s got big plans; Even lucky enough to have Maureen Dowd pick on him
- Romney: He’ll bring a new approach;
- Clinton: She’s got Bill doing some fundraising
- Thompson, Fred: Signs point to a candidacy;
- Gingrich: Announcement coming soon
- Brownback: Wants to end US reliance on foreign oil by drilling in the Arctic and Canadian sands
- Obama: Ready to get specific on health care
Senatorial Shenanigans
- Oregon: Smith may get a challenger soon
Our Very Own House of Commons
- DCCC leader gets early jump on ’08
The Environment and Elections
Environmental Issues People Really Should Care about in the News
- Global carbon emissions in overdrive
o Response from Grist
- Border fence could imperil wildlife
- Governors Schwarzenegger and Rell to the EPA: Lead, or Step Aside
- How to win the energy war
- Harnessing methane, cutting waste… recycling carpet tiles
o An interview with the CEO on his green conversion… and here’s the video
- Returning to the land for fuel
- Money shuffle creating friction over Farm Bill
- Gov. Corzine (D-NJ) worrying environmentalists
- NY cab fleet to be green by 2012
- Sens. Rockefeller and Byrd: Coal and clean air aren’t incompatible
- Sen. Murkowski likes the whole drilling in the Arctic thing too
- Bill to honor Rachel Carson is held up in the Senate
- Happy 300th, Carl Linnaeus
…oh that pesky Blogosphere
- The Fix: Hillary and Women
- TPM: Edwards – “War on terror” is a bumper sticker slogan
- The Caucus: New ads from Dodd and Romney
- Taylor Marsh: A conversation with Al Gore
- The Lede: Sustainability for the rich and poor
- This is pretty neat
- Grist:
o Change the rules, change the future
o Is it alright to kill an invasive species?
Miscellaneous… or just plain weird
- Great, now the saying “Who needs men anyway?” really has some weight
- Umm, I’m guessing the “side effect” would make the car ride home a tad uncomfortable
- Mars was once… wetter?
- Alright, why am I not on this list?
Quotes O’ the Day
“Humanity is acquiring all the right technology for all the wrong reasons.” ~ R. Buckminster Fuller

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