Sunday, May 13, 2007

Grassrootsy goodness

Day 6: Ok, I missed a day. So sue me. Here's what's been going on:

After meeting Mitt and Barack on my first couple days here, I had my fill of politicians and so this weekend have gone back to meeting the folks of the heartland. Yesterday I tabled at "Family Safety Day" event in Boone, Iowa (birthplace of Mamie Eisenhower but not Boone's Farm "flavored wine product"). Put on by a woman who's a NWF activist and seems to know every single person in Boone, it was sponsored by the Iowa National Guard and had tables with police dept, fire dept, DNR. I met a couple of fascinating folks and, pleasantly, all but one person who came up to chat with me was concerned with and didn't question global warming.

Today, after visiting the Iowa Historical Museum (which had a great exhibit on Iowa's natural resources, but conspiculously did not have the words "global warming" or "climate change" anywhere), had a NWF "meet and greet." There was a group of 5 very interesting folks, from the med student from California, representing the Iowa University "future physicians for the environment" to the Pheasants Forever member who was very concerned with threats to CRP. We had a lively discussion and discussed the role NWF can and should play in the state.

Yes it was a good grassrootsy weekend. After all, you can't visit the heartland, without meeting some of the heartland folk.


At 10:15 AM, Blogger MW said...

Great work Derek. Keep spreading the knowledge.

One question though...where's the Obama video?!?!


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