Wednesday, May 16, 2007

The Briefing - 5/16/07: A Republican Debate, Melting Antarctic Ice, and WRDA

Well, a majority of the Senate voted for the first global warming bill this session. Too bad they needed 60 to pass it, sigh...


The Briefing – 5/16/07
537 days until the NEXT election… and global warming is an integral part of our nation’s agenda!

Politics, Politicians, Elections, and Electoral Mayhem
The (supposedly) Presidential ’08 Crowd
- The Republicans Crowd: Debate!... How about the winners and losers?
- Brownback: His Darfur stand
- Giuliani: Saw an opening and took it; walking the pro-choice tightrope; the rise that vexes Republicans
- Clinton: Clash of the politics; widens lead in latest poll
- McCain: Swipes at Romney
- Romney: Nailed by anti-Mormon campaign
- Edwards: Policies offer benefits to women
- Tweezerman: That’s right, Tweezerman
Senatorial Shenanigans
- Oregon: Blumenauer will not challenge Smith
Our Very Own House of Commons
The Environment and Elections

Environmental Issues People Really Should Care about in the News
- Analysis finds large Antarctic ice has melted
- Senate presses to pass WRDA
o But sadly reject an amendment requiring the Corps to consider climate change
- Scientists backing off theory of a cooler Europe
- I’ve always wanted my very own carbon calculator
- NYT: A Fresh Start on Energy
- Toyota cutting hybrid costs, says every one of their cars by 2020 will be a hybrid
- Environmental groups join forces
- Defenders likes Chairman Rahall’s Global Warming Wildlife Survival Act
…oh that pesky Blogosphere
- The Fix and The Caucus offer analysis and liveblogging of the debate
- DailyKos: Just no normal weather anymore
- TPM: Why no media coverage of Rudy’s farm gaffe?
- National Review: Bush’s ethanol plan is almost entirely bad
- Grist:
o An interview with Dr. James Hansen
o Solar’s inevitable dominance
Miscellaneous… or just plain weird
- Jerry Falwell passes away
- Hahahaha. Fantastic.
- Hope for bald men everywhere
- Well, I think I’m pretty entertaining, but I guess not entertaining enough… sigh
- Treadmill desks?
- Neato.
- Want to get healthy? Exercise 72 minutes… per week?
Quotes O’ the Day
“Ask yourself whether you are happy and you cease to be so.” ~ John Stuart Mill

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