Daily Briefing - 1/26/07
Happy Friday, all! And on this gloriously cold day (in DC, at least) we are met with pundits pontificating on energy policy (Friedman and Krauthammer), more news on the jarring UN report, and oh-so-much about those pesky '08 candidates. That, and an old lady beat up a mountain lion. On to the briefing!
Daily Briefing – 1/26/07
647 days until the NEXT election… and global warming is an integral part of our nation’s agenda!
Key Issues in the News
Global Warming
- Does this shirt come in “green?”
- Global warming to speed up but is it dangerous
- Emerging economies are under pressure to cut emissions
- White House says UN report shows humans to be a substantial factor
- In Huntsville, they see this as a huge political issue
- Canadians say environment and global warming are top issues
- Ban on An Inconvenient Truth sparks debate
- Energy mandates fuel a rift between coal and environmentalists
- Vote no and they’ll cut your pay
- Well, at least he used real words this time
Potential ‘08ers…
- Hagel (the outsider ponders a run), Obama v. Clinton (Hollywood decides who to back), Clinton (wins over Liz Taylor), Obama (exciting the entertainers), Giuliani (a tough conservative to sell), Hunter (he’s the 2nd Republican officially in)
- Sharpton sizes up the candidates, Clinton again (trying to imagine a woman in the White House), Obama again (gets some advice from Harold Ford Jr.), Obama again again (confident he will appeal to the black community), Giuliani (gets support of former MA Gov.), Richardson (big spender?)
Other News from the Media
- Charles Krauthammer thinks energy independence will require three things: taxing gas, drilling in the arctic, and nuclear power
- Boston residents divided over solar-powered trash bins
- California bans dry cleaning chemical
- Thomas Friedman was unimpressed by the SOTU, hoping for grand energy and Iraq initiatives
…and the Blogosphere
- The Fix looks at the ’08 contenders
- The Caucus gives us the Democratic response you may not have heard (or understood)… the one in Spanish
- Is Ford Motor Company slowly dying?
- Over at DailyKos they laugh at the proposition of someone taking out Sen. Kerry
- MYDD looks at 2008 MI House Races
- We have brand new blog written by folks with a hair color I am especially partial to
- Grist:
o Saving salmon
o Apparently Sen. Inhofe is running a blog from the EPW site
o On nuclear
o Devouring countries for biofuels
Miscellaneous… or just plain weird
- Want to stop smoking? Bang your head against a wall. It just might work.
- Elderly woman fights off mountain lion with a pen, saves her husband
- A $155 million home in Montana
Quotes O’ the Day
“It is undesirable to believe a proposition when there is no ground whatsoever for supposing it is true.”~ Bertrand Russell, describing the deep convictions of Senator Inhofe
Quotes O’ the Day
“It is undesirable to believe a proposition when there is no ground whatsoever for supposing it is true.”~ Bertrand Russell, describing the deep convictions of Senator Inhofe
Thanks for quoting Bertie in this context. He's always been one of my faves and this particular nugget should be MORE GENERALLY APPLIED.
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