Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Daily Briefing - 3/14/07: Britain, Worldwide Polls, Voting Rights, and Global Warming

We have exactly 600 days until the 2008 Presidential election. What will you do to get global warming addressed by this critical date?


Daily Briefing – 3/14/07
600 DAYS until the NEXT election… and global warming is an integral part of our nation’s agenda!

Key Issues in the News
Global Warming
- Britain drafts laws to slash carbon emissions
o How the penny dropped
o Christian Aid: A good start
- Poll shows a majority of people in the world see global warming as a critical threat
o Sadly, the US was an exception
- Renewing a call to act: NYT on Bill McKibben’s Step It Up campaign
- South Africa calls Gore to help put the brakes on biofuel production
- Rep. Herseth to study global warming
- Auto execs head to Capitol Hill to discuss global warming
o Also from MSNBC
- Frostbite derails Arctic study
o The impact continues to lure scientists
- Will hit Africa the hardest
- Guardian: The appliance of science and the split on solutions
- Dave Johnson has a suggestion: Fewer Babies
- White House finding trouble harder to shrug off…what’s that saying about a hole and too much digging…?
o A NYT editorial
- One step closer to voting rights in D.C.! TAXATION WITHOUT REPRESENTATION
- Democrats split on domestic plan
Potential ‘08ers…
- Clinton (another right-wing conspiracy?), Giuliani (marriages annulling his bid?), Gingrich (he’s baaaack), Thompson, Fred (gets Frist’s endorsement… is this guy even running yet?), Clinton v. Obama (fighting over the Jewish vote), Dodd (considering bill to protect homeowners), Huckabee (meeting a challenge from conservatives), Giuliani again (ooh ooh, he’s a flip-flopper too!), Clinton again (knows a little something about firing attorneys), Obama (Sharpton is begging for a fight), Edwards (a little tiff with Bob Shrum… is that a bad thing?), Obama again (media surfing his past)
- A manifesto for the next President
Other News from the Media
- Orion: The Idols of Environmentalism
- World population to reach 9.2 billion
- Seas yielding surprising catch of unknown genes
- Silicon valley sets its gaze on energy
- A decent life wouldn’t be too much to ask, would it?
- A U.S. alliance to update the light bulb
- Judges say EPA ignored setting emissions standards
- Army Corps knowingly put in faulty pumps after Katrina
…and the Blogosphere
- The Fix on Sen. Dole’s vulnerability
- MYDD: Norm Coleman is looking weak
- Oooh, ouch
- Huffington Post: Big Oil U
- Grist:
o Making green messages stick
o Dispatch from the Step It Up campaign
o More on the supposed “reasonable middle
Miscellaneous… or just plain weird
- Behind the Scenes: Chris Dodd on the Daily Show
- Beckham on his way to the US
- Poll: Rich people happy, poor people… not so much
- Oh, those crazy PETA activists (Thanks to Chris in Seattle for digging this up)
- I have a feeling Kevin Smith thought of this… GodTube
Quotes O’ the Day
“Injustice is relatively easy to bear; what stings is justice.” ~H. L. Mencken

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