Thursday, November 16, 2006

Democrats Gained from Global Warming Debate

Washington, DC (Nov. 16) – Half of Americans who voted in the mid-term elections said concern about global warming made a difference in who they voted for on Election Day 2006, according to a recent Zogby International post-election survey. Eighty-five percent of these voters who felt global warming was important cast their votes for Democratic Congressional candidates, including 48 percent of Independents and 7 percent of Republicans. Read on...

Here is a statement from Larry Schweiger, President of National Wildlife Federation:

Americans to Congress:

Get On With Solutions to Global Warming

Statement by Larry Schweiger

President, National Wildlife Federation

On new Zogby International poll results showing

global warming a factor in voting decisions that led to

Democratic victories on Election Day

Washington, DC (Nov. 15) -- “Election Day clearly propelled global warming to the top tier on the nation’s agenda for action. The public has already moved beyond a debate over science to a demand for action.

“The Zogby post election survey of nearly 20,000 voters found that three-quarters of the electorate say Congress should pass legislation promoting renewable and alternative energy sources as an effective way to reduce global warming pollution.

“This makes clear that from here on out, no candidate for political office can ignore the issue of global warming. It is not going away, and voters clearly expect candidates for public office to offer solutions.

“There can be no question on Capitol Hill that the American public wants immediate and aggressive action to address global warming. We have a new Congress with a clear mandate from the public to get on with the task of finding global warming solutions that create energy independence from fossil fuels.

“Americans want a new energy future that reduces our dependence on foreign oil, creates more American jobs and develops clean, renewable energy sources that will benefit us all. Energy independence from fossil fuels means national security and climate security.

“This is not a matter of left or right, it’s a matter of right or wrong. We have a moral responsibility to solve this problem to protect our children’s future.”

The National Wildlife Federation is America’s conservation organization inspiring Americans to protect wildlife for our children’s future.

The Zogby International statement on the post election survey findings is available at:

Immediate Release

November 16, 2006

To obtain the full poll results contact:

Christine Dorsey, 802-229-0650, ext. 334,


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