Daily Briefing... on the web! 11/13/06
Good afternoon friends, conservationist, countrymen/women! The Daily Briefing, once a stalwart of intraoffice inboxes, has made its way to the public forum! Ye gods, the weight of such responsibility is crushing!... No, not really, but I'm going to have be extra careful not to make a fool out myself. With that said, look for the Briefing everyday here sometime late morning/early afternoon. Enjoy!
Daily Briefing – 11/13/06
721 days until the NEXT election…not really, there’s probably a bunch of elections in between.
Key Issues in the News
Global Warming
- Climatologists hit the skies
- Warming isolates Canadians in far north
- Congress to address global warming, NASA… yup, that Congress
- Confronting “forces of darkness”… and no, not George Steinbrenner, red sox fans
- When "Bar Harbor is underwater, then we can do global warming stories." That should help.
- Grist: How to Talk to a Global Warming Skeptic
o The Inhofe “argument”
o Some site show cooling
- Washington Post: The Lame-Duck Congress
- Year of Macaca!
- Bob Novak is calling people stupid… well, sort of
- NYT: On that energy bill we’re hearing so much about
- Pelosi backs Murtha
- They are still counting in Washington’s 8th
- Putting a big ‘ol target on Norm Coleman
- Rahmbo
- And it starts… yeesh
- Lieberman leaves GOP door open
- It’s like the first day of school all over again. Watch out for Ted Kennedy kids, he’ll take your lunch money.
Other News from the Media
- The CEO of Google says our cell phones should be free… and I agree.
- First things first… taking care of the auditor in Iraq
- Will the pork stop here?
- Voters OK greenbacks for green space
- Going nuclear…
…and the Blogosphere
- The Fix: Feingold’s out and Pelosi making quite the gamble
- Stu Rothenberg pats himself on the back
- They’re looking to take out “Cold Cash” Jefferson at DailyKos
- Matt Stoller at MYDD talks about a legislative agenda
- TPM’s guide to leadership battles and a rundown on the still undetermined races
- From Grist:
o Environmental Media Awards
o Chafee retrospective
o Hydropower not as low carbon as we thought?
o Environmentalism and animal rights
Miscellaneous… or just plain weird
- Oh no! Borat got beat up!
- Boo! Ryan Zimmerman got shafted!
- Bush’s wax head takes a beating
- A fruit clock!
- Dr. Octagon’s “Trees”
Quotes O’ the Day
"Do you really want to know why I'm doing all this goodwill? ... It's because I feel guilty about the huge hole in the ozone layer my haircuts created. It's my responsibility to right the wrongs of the '80s." Jon Bon Jovi
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