Daily Briefing - 11/14/06
Lots of intraparty movement to secure leadership posts is going down to go along with politicos throwing their hats into the Presidential ring. A bunch of races are still undecided, but one is officially being called. Th blogosphere is aflutter with leadership races, presidential races, and more. Oh and for those that have a MySpace account... be sure to check just who your friend requests might be coming from.
- Mike
Daily Briefing – 11/14/06
720 days until the NEXT election… and global warming is an integral part of our nation’s agenda!
Key Issues in the News
Global Warming
- For clues on climate, look to the packrats?
- Mayors come to Utah for Warming Summit
- Senator Inhofe feels demonized. All together now, “AWWWW”
- 72% of bird species in certain areas could become extinct
- Cool headed calculus
- From Grist:
o Prospects for action in the new Congress
o Some serious protesting
o A conversation with associate director of the Association for the Advancement of Sustainability in Higher Education.
- A carbon tax passed in Boulder
- China defends its record
- Tack some more on to the list… more wildfires and less skiing
- Antarctic global warming study upcoming
- Aussie PM Howard to discuss global warming at APEC meeting
- Feingold is out, McCain, Biden and Giuliani in?
- Sen. Mel Martinez to chair RNC
- Democrats looking to alter trade climate in favor of labor and environmental clauses
o They’re also looking to press U.S. automakers case
o And to identify pork sponsors…$10 bucks we’ll see Don Young’s name next a word with lots of consonants and not many vowels
- Offshore drilling bill looks dead
- For Murtha… not for Murtha
- Hawaiian sovereignty bill back on the docket
- Webb joins strange bedfellows
Other News from the Media
- “More people say heavy internet use is disrupting their lives.” Is the Daily Briefing unhealthy?!?!
- Lame ducks wing it
- Thinning without burning is dangerous to forests
- Montana expands hunt for Yellowstone Bison
- Investors backing experimental ethanol plant
- Global Warming skeptic, Rep. Reichert (R-WA08) returns to Congress
- Engineering better human bodies… umm, sign me up?
- Counting still going on in the Ohio 15th and New Mexico 1st
…and the Blogosphere
- The Fix on Giuliani
- Hotline on Murtha’s evolution
- Rep. Simmons (R-CT02) just picked up 105 votes… he’s only down 60 now
- DailyKos: Defining Climate
- Dick Morris is calling for decapitation
- From Grist:
o Sustainable Nike
o A retort to Robert Samuelson
- Huffington Post: Energy Department’s Craven Obeisance to Oil/Gas Gougers
- Senator Feingold: The Dangerous Lame Duck
- A video from the BurntOrangeReport, that’s right… a liberal blog from Texas
Miscellaneous… or just plain weird
- Stalking your old high school girlfriend… from death row
- Red meat à cancer
- At least she’s not too depressed about the Republicans’ loss
Quotes O’ the Day
"My No. 1 goal is to not go to jail." Representative-elect (and global warming skeptic) Michele Bachmann
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