So, where does it go from here?
The Democrats now have the House and Senate, and committee chairmanships will change across the board. Congressmen/women who are much more likely to push conservation friendly legislation in their committees are taking over these chairmanships, such as Nick Rahall in the House Resources Committee, Barbara Boxer at the Senate EPW, and James Oberstar at the Transportation and Infrastructutre Committee (all guesses at the moment... no official changes yet.) So what kind of legislation are you looking forward to seeing? What kind of movement in the environmental community do you think our government should take on in the next Congress?
It will be tough to get President Bush to sign pro-environmental bills.
Now with the changes in congress I don't think we will see any more destructive bills.
Hopefully congress will now take an active role in stopping the anti-environmental changes that have been happening at the agencies.
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