Daily Briefing - 11/21/06
Hush money, Celebrity Jeopardy, and polygamy! Oh and An Inconvenient Truth comes out today. All that and lots more in the Briefing...
Daily Briefing – 11/21/06
713 days until the NEXT election… and global warming is an integral part of our nation’s agenda!
Key Issues in the News
Global Warming
- An Inconvenient Truth will be released today
o The Competitive Enterprise Institute has a response
- A hill priority?
- Australians look to go nuclear to stop warming
o But then again, maybe its not the answer
- Gov. Corzine (D-NJ) gets some prodding from activists
- VPIRG calls for home efficiency
o More from the Rutland Herald
- Study: Warming speeds species die off
- Editorial from Malaysia New Straits Times: Warming to Climate Change
- Chalk one up for the environmentalists
- Pasadena Star News: Global warming action needed
- A near zero-growth in methane levels?
- Is there room on the right, Sen. Brownback thinks there is
- That whole business about the draft… yea that was shot down quick (ahem, pardon the tasteless pub)
- A series of votes on ethics reform
- What might be the Democrat’s energy agenda?
- “Hippies still trying to ruin the country”
Other News from the Media
- Polygamists fight back
- On coastlines and lighthouses
- Seeing trouble in the microscopic realm of the Antarctic ecosystem
- Sen. Boxer wants the Salton Sea restored
- The Long Now Foundation
…and the Blogosphere
- DailyKos: CA Supreme Court protects bloggers
- MYDD: They’re still fighting for the FL-13 and still defending Dean
- Arianna Huffington advises ’08 hopefuls to avoid consultants
- From Grist:
o The state of the cotton industry
o Avoid the corporate, go microbrew! (This blogger agrees)
o Tommy Thompson: The Ethanol Candidate
o Extreme grocery shopping
o Inhofenfreude
o Freight trains, a 21st century revival?
- New blog from the NYT subscription required TimesSelect: Urban Planet
Miscellaneous… or just plain weird
- Fox News offered hush money to families of Nicole Brown Simpson and Ronald Goldman
- “Who’s hungry?” “Not me, I have ‘very low food security’”
- Secretary of Education to go on Jeopardy?
Quotes O’ the Day
"I have long been a friend of John Warner; however, I think he has misunderstood the rules. I intend to retain my leadership position in the 110th Congress, returning as the Ranking Member of the EPW Committee," Senator Inhofe
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