Thursday, January 11, 2007

Daily Briefing - 1/11/07

Keeping it short and sweet today...

The EU is proposing cleaner and more competitive energy markets and subsequently spurring (hopefully) action by the UN. DaimlerChrysler's chief economist scoffs at the EU's handling of global warming, warning against "chicken little reactions." Let's just say, the folks at Daimler backpedaled away from that one real quick.

In other news, MIT has released a study with a perplexing title that offers some mixed results for corn ethanol. Speaking of mixed results, President Bush spoke last night. I'll leave it at that. On to the briefing...


Daily Briefing – 1/11/07
662 days until the NEXT election… and global warming is an integral part of our nation’s agenda!

Key Issues in the News

Global Warming
- EU proposes cleaner, more competitive energy market
o Spurring UN action
- NASA scientist urges action
- Daimler Chrysler economist criticizes Europe over climate change
- Does a hot 2006 seal the debate?
- Threatening all species
- McKibben says clock-ticking
- Affecting skiers and bears
o Dooming ski resorts?
- Grist: A week of action on campus (not THAT kind of action)
- Where the 100 hours will hit the brakes… the Senate
- House passes minimum wage increase
- Most Americans opposed to Bush’s Iraq plan
- Democrats pick Denver as convention site
- WH opposed to new bill on stem cells
Potential ‘08ers…
- Dodd (officially declares), Biden (not just talk), Romney (wrong on issues in 94), Obama (may get help from state), Clinton (front-runner status is slipping), Giuliani (getting help from Kilgore), McCain (targeted by MoveOn), Richardson (helps orchestrate ceasefire in Darfur),
- Florida might move primary
- Candidates on the surge
Other News from the Media
- Mixed results for corn ethanol, from MIT study
- Kermit takes on Detroit
o While CalCars keeps going strong with plug-in hybrids
…and the Blogosphere
- The Caucus: Congress v. The White House
- From the SirotaBlog, Senator Grassley: “I would hate to see,” labor/enviro standards in U.S. trade policy
- TomPaine: Harmonizing shades of green
- Grist:
o I’m gonna link to Step It Up again
o Discussing generations
o Questioning Friedman and his love of coal
Miscellaneous… or just plain weird
- David Beckham is coming to the States
- Fox News anchor calls Senator Kennedy “A hostile enemy right here on the home front”
Quotes O’ the Day
“We ought to form a designated-driver caucus of people who are ready to drive the Senate agenda while their colleagues who are intoxicated with the idea of being president are sitting in the back seat." ~ Sen. Ron Wyden (paraphrased by Sen. Durbin) on dealing with the many Senators with Presidential ambitions