Monday, November 27, 2006

Daily Briefing - 11/27/06

The Supreme Court will be taking up its global warming case. Lots of news sources have analysis. While the Administration continually ignores the seriousness of global warming, energy firms have come to terms with it. Grist thinks this makes the President and everyone's favorite Senator (Inhofe) irrelevant. Hopefully the "Gore army" can lead these irrelevant decisionmakers on the path to reality.

In other news, potential Presidential candidates are making their mark, via discussion of they're religion, dislike of Wal-Mart, or simply political positioning. Chairman-elect Dingell hints at an array of investigations, and the New York Times writes a requiem for the Yankee Republican. The President may not care to handle global warming, but he wants $500 million to build his library. Meanwhile, the blogopshere offers us an array of (not investigations, thankfully) interesting pieces from political cartoons to the Texas 23rd special election to the organic cotton industry and the rebranding of liberalism. All that and much, much more in the briefing.

Daily Briefing – 11/27/06
707 days until the NEXT election… and global warming is an integral part of our nation’s agenda!

Key Issues in the News

Global Warming
- High court to hear global warming case
o States fight for cleaner air, cars
o WSJ: An Inconvenient Case
o Washington Post: Climate in the Court
o SF Chronicle: Case could shape policy
§ Also from San Fran Chronicle, and Houston Chronicle
- On the move to outrun climate change
- Administration needs to stop ignoring seriousness of global warming
- Energy firms come to terms with climate change
- 10 questions for Al Gore
- Gore volunteers spread the message
- Seeing clues in North Pole clouds
- Bangor Daily News: The Tipping Point
- Yemen Times: A Grave Threat
- Carl Pope goes to Wisconsin
- Poorest countries pay highest price
- Dear ExxonMobil
- Grist:
o Could the sun be causing climate change?
o Deniers are irrelevant
o How to talk to a climate skeptic
- A sex switch in crocodiles?
- Democratic gains in suburbs spell trouble for GOP
- Chance of upset remains in the NC-8
- An array of investigations?
- R.I.P. Yankee Republican
- From one porker to the next
- A look at John McCain: Do we need another T.R.?
o Analysis from TPM
- More from potential ‘08ers…
o Obama, Brownback, Romney, Romney again, Edwards, Giuliani,
Other News from the Media
- A $500 million library? ... Alright, this deserves a question. What kinds of books, etc. do we think the Bush 43 library will be fully stocked with?
- Bringing back an island from the brink of collapse
- Reason: Big ideas for the future of energy
- Most Americans favor guest worker program
…and the Blogosphere
- The Agonist: Things I don’t Understand, and Things I Can Do to Help
- Cartoons from Bob Geiger
- TX-23 special election set for Dec. 12th
- Rev. Al Sharpton has some advice for the Democrats
- Sustainability, energy independence and agricultural policy
- The Economist: Rebranding Liberalism
- From Grist:
o Eat free or Die
o The U.S. organic cotton industry
o Jay-Z in Africa
o Charcoal: The wonder fuel of the future?
o Golden Eagles cruising for a bruising
- Armed towns catching on
Miscellaneous… or just plain weird
- Did you know that some stores were open at 3:00am the day after Thanksgiving? Not to judge anyone, but who shops at 3:00am!?!?
- Soaps go transgender
- Tweens… the younger “teens”
- Fat studies?
Quotes O’ the Day
“I am guilty of asking the Senate for pork and proud of the Senate for giving it to me.” ~ Sen. Ted Stevens


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