Thursday, December 14, 2006

Daily Briefing - 12/14/06

So much for the denials. The UK has recorded it's warmest year since 1659... yet they have chosen to back airport growth. Interesting. The New York Times tries to recalculate the costs of global warming, a tall task indeed, while the Indian Parliament discusses it generally. All of this while New England fishermen anxiously look towards the possible devastation of their coasts.

In Washington, the Democratic Senator from South Dakota, Tim Johnson, underwent emergency brain surgery late last night. Get well, Senator. I'll let you read the article to figure out the press ramifications. In more mundane news, Speaker-elect Pelosi has begun handing out committee assignments and two top Democratic appropriators have agreed to freeze all earmarks for the 2007 budget. I think I just heard Ted Stevens scream somewhere.

In '08 Prez news, puindits across the land are offering analysis and encouragement, generally pontificating as they do so well on the prospects of the potential candidates. Will on Obama, Novak on McCain, Broder on Vilsack. What, nothing on Mike Gravel!?!?

In other sad news, a species of dolphin formally located in the Yangtze River region has been declared extinct. Maybe this news played a part in the Pope speaking out for environmental causes. Moving from the sad to the frustrating, the Bush Administration continues to clamp down on scientists. There's a name for those who are afraid of logical things such as science and reason...

Finally, Texas Monthly named Dick Cheney "Bum Steer of the Year." Nothing elese needs to be said, on to the briefing!


Daily Briefing – 12/14/06
690 days until the NEXT election… and global warming is an integral part of our nation’s agenda!

Key Issues in the News

Global Warming
- Recalculating the costs of climate change
- UK sees warmest year since 1659
- Airport growth backed in UK, despite warming
- Gore spreads the message in the Berkshires
- Could devastate New England fish stocks
- Indian Parliament discusses global warming
- Insurance companies hedging their bets
- Culprits: Cars and Cows
- Grist: The best defense is a good offense
- Senator Tim Johnson (D-SD) in intensive care after emergency surgery
- Democrats plan to take control of Iraq spending
- BE AFRAID: Space Terrorism!!!
- Committee assignments galore
Potential ‘08ers…
- Obama (George Will thinks he should run), McCain (Bob Novak on the corporation), Vilsack (David Broder thinks you should know more about him), Obama again (attracting donations), Kerry (supporting Gore’s cause), Edwards (leading in Iowa poll of caucus goers), Giuliani (staffing up), Clinton (the faith angle), Gingrich (to meet with Minuteman Project founder)
- Poll: Voters favor McCain over Clinton
- Some NH tidbits
Other News from the Media
- Chinese river dolphin declared extinct
- Early mammals took to the air, fossils suggest
- Chicago Tribune; Earmarks erased (including the bridge to nowhere)
- LA Times: Make malaria disappear
- More clamping down on scientists
- Pope pushes environment
…and the Blogosphere
- Chris Cilizza is stating the obvious on The Fix
- MYDD on the uber-compact Republican primary schedule
- HuffPo: An Inconvenient Truth viewing parties
- Reaction to Novak’s column on McCain from The Corner at NRO
- Instapundit gives us a porkbusters update
- From Grist:
o Rappers and water
o What NOT to buy for Christmas
Miscellaneous… or just plain weird
- If anybody is looking for a doctor, one just became available
- Circumcision halves HIV risk
- Golden Globe nominations are out
- “Would Jesus shop at Wal-Mart?” Umm, would Jesus shop at all? I guess a new pair of sandals for that low, low price might be appealing.
- Dick Cheney, Texas Monthly’s Bum Steer of the Year
Quotes O’ the Day
"There is something fundamentally wrong with treating the earth as if it were a business in liquidation." - Herman Daly


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