Tuesday, November 07, 2006


Wheeee! I voted. I was at my local elementary school at ten past seven this morning, waited in the obligatory 25 minute line, and then cast my ballot for mayor, school board chair, and non-voting US Representive.

That's right - non-voting US Representive.

For those of you who don't know (or have forgotten), the 572,000+ full time residents of DC do not have a voting representation in either the US House of Representatives or the US Senate. Taxation without representation, anyone?

(Just as a comparison, the 490,000 residents of Wyoming have both senators and a member of congress. Incidentally, their member of congress, Barbara Cubin, has one of the worst environmental records in congress according to LCV, which National Wildlife Action has been working to expose for the past 2 months.)

I bring this up not to complain, but to remind everyone of the privilege of voting. Billions of people around the world and half a million citizens of the United States do not have the right to an elected representative. Don't pass up this privilege, use it, relish it, and encourage others to do so also!

-Derek Brockbank


At 10:17 AM, Blogger GALA said...

I'm so glad you set up this blog! I hope things turn out well for our local and state elections today. Taking care of the soil, water, and air now will ensure good health and opportunity for us in the future! Let's hope we can elect some wise people to help us with this goal.


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