Election day is upon us, and after an "off year" (with only, you know, elections for the Governorships of Virginia and New Jersey, and Mayors of New York and Los Angeles, as well as countless local elections across the country) we have reached the infamous "year-six midterm." Historically, the party of the sitting President in year six loses seats by rather sizable margins (except for Clinton, but that was more due to a rebuff of certain decisions by the Republicans).
Tomorrow is President Bush's year-six midterm. He has had a Republican controlled House and Senate his whole six years, save for the Jeffords break in the 107th Congress. Many votes have come down that address issues the conservation community cares about: energy policies, public lands issues, global warming resolutions. Some were favorable, others were not. Tomorrow, it's your turn. What issues will be driving you at the voting booth? Global Warming? Public Lands protection? Cleaning up our waters?
- Mike Williams
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