Wednesday, November 08, 2006

What about the Senate?

The House has switched party control, but where does it stand on the Senate? The Virginia race between Sen. Allen and Jim Webb is incredibly close with Jim Webb holding a razor thin margin. This will most likely come down to a recount. In Montana, Jon Tester holds a 14,000 vote lead over incumbent Conrad Burns with 29% of precincts reporting. Harold Ford is still sracping away at Bob Corker for Sen. Frist's seat. 94% of precincts reporting and Corker holds a 49,000 vote lead. Finally, the race in Missouri is shaping up to be the white-knuckled nail-biter everyone expected. Sen. Talent holds a 48,000 vote lead with 69% of precincts reporting. However, Democratic strongholds in Kansas City and St. Louis have yet to fully report.

No major news network knows what to do with these races. The Republicans need to hold two of these seats to hold the Senate. How will this end up? How will the results of these races affect the conservation communities' efforts?

My prediction... this will not be decided tonight. (Hey, I take the easy way out.)



At 1:18 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I believe that Corker may have won in TN, but I'm still holding strong that Webb will beat Allen in VA. Keeping my fingers crossed, at least...At least we got Patrick as governor in MA...


At 4:42 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

So, it's Senator Webb. Ex-senator Pombo ( is that music to your ears, or what?) Still maybe Senator Tester. There's a wonky halt to counting in Yellowstone, where Tester was leading.
That's all I can write at 4:30am, except goodnight.


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