Daily Briefing - 4/20/07: Gardeners, Voting Rights, and Global Warming
WRDA passes the House... with a great amendment. On to the Senate...
Daily Briefing – 4/20/07
563 days until the NEXT election… and global warming is an integral part of our nation’s agenda!
Key Issues in the News
Global Warming
- National Wildlife Federation:
o Gardeners can play an important role
o Colleges leading the way
- One-third of Americans see global warming as world’s top environmental threat
- Senator Boxer sees action on legislation
o She also introduced a website to help consumers
- Could global warming cause war?
- Consumer Reports global solutions center launches a website
o Greener Choices
- UN Security Council debates climate change over protests from developing countries
- Bird species being put in danger
- New York creates Office of Climate Change
- India asks nations to cut greenhouse gases
- Global Corporations need to fight climate change
- Canadian Environment Minister: Cost of Kyoto is recession
Water Resources Development Act
- House passes WRDA
o Including a very important amendment from Reps. Blumenauer, Welch and Petri
- Senators chastise Attorney General Gonzalez at hearing
o He’s on a very hot seat… or, as The Economist says, under fire
- Senate Majority Leader Reid: Iraq war is lost
- Supreme Court abortion ruling is a turning a point
- Heavily investigated, Rep. Doolittle steps down from appropriations committee
- ANOTHER Congressman gets raided by the FBI
Potential ‘08ers…
- Richardson (will start airing ads in Iowa), Obama (pushes carbon reductions in car fuel), Obama again (money is talking to him), Brownback(early success is key), Gore (Bill Clinton says he may enter), Clinton (pressure bruises fundraising), Clinton again (to speak at Rutgers), Edwards (Beverly Hills style), Edwards again (Trippi joins the ranks), Giuliani (nation learned from Oklahoma City), McCain (critics should “get a life”), Obama again again (with Gov. Patrick a kindred spirit), Romney (the Connally of ’08?), Romney (dominates MI fundraising)
- Bill Clinton’s thoughts
Other News from the Media
- Why do we park on driveways and drive on parkways? The answer is bad semantics. The real question is why is it more environmentally destructive to park than to drive?
- How green cleaners measure up
- Effort to save endangered crops gets a boost
- On advertising solar energy systems
- Well, at least Nissan is listening to consumers
- UN lauds Gore
- Wild Sky Wilderness Act clears big hurdle
- Air Force embraces solar power
- Coke goes green
…and the Blogosphere
- The Fix: The ’08 Presidential Line
- Yahoo: Going carbon neutral
- DailyKos: Dem Cattle Call
- RCP: McCain… the comeback kid?
- WorldChanging: Make this Earth Day our last
- Grist:
o Bush v. Clinton on climate change
o One giant step for greenkind
Miscellaneous… or just plain weird
- MySpace news? Like, oh my god!
- Whoa, weird.
- Uggh, gross. Three things that should never be spoken about together… Trump, Rosie and S&M.
- Gambling addicts take note
Quotes O’ the Day
"My hope is we can bring a bill out of [committee] before the summer recess so that it will be ready for floor action sometime in September," ~ Senator Joe Lieberman
Labels: 2008, climate change, global warming, voting rights, wildlife
Al Gore's anti global warming advocacy has created a lot of buzz. But I think that the authenticity of Gore on Global Warming is not important. The genuineness of global warming is not proven but we cannot deny that the climate change in some parts of the world is devastating farmers in developing countries. Finding solutions to this problem is much more important than proving or disproving global warming. Arguing over he problem will not solve anything. we need to take action so that we can prevent the destruction of the environment.
Thank Merjoem. This is a great point. Attacking the messenger will do us no good, when thousands of scientists have settled the debate. We need to find solutions and we need to find them now.
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